'Thought Crime' Legislation of
H.R. 1955 was just passed into law. It means if you have ANY material
of a violent planning nature or of a violent thought nature it is a
crime. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h110-1955 www.Takeoverworld.info CONDEMNS ANY AND ALL VIOLENCE, VIOLENCE PLANNING, VIOLENT RADICALIZATION AND OR THOUGHT CRIME, AND AS SUCH CONTAINS NO SUCH INFORMATION OR LINKS TO SUCH INFORMATION... www.Takeoverworld.info is in full compliance with H.R. 1955, and Section 318, 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada and as such condemns and does not retain any information, plans, support, of a terrorist or violent propaganda, and or radicalization nature, and does not conduct, plan, or retain any forms of violent thoughts, feelings, impulses, moods, subconscious thought, primal urges, sexual cravings, hunger pains, restless leg twitches, rapid eye flutters, and or skin tone blemishes which may be mistook for a pre-anger flush. All fonts, typesets, font colors of a red nature are not - *NOT* to be mistaken for a angry tone or mistakenly linked to a violent radicalization agenda. Source files of interviews or MP3 files are strictly those of the authors and do NOT reflect the intent, mood or thoughts of the author(s) of this website. www.Takeoverworld.info DOES NOT advocate cruelty to mammals, vertebrate, and invertebrate lifeforms, cytoplasmas, viral and or fungal tissue, horses, cats and dog (fishys included). Moment of silence to be held before steak eating, and or hamburger consumption... pause before egg consumption... www.Takeoverworld.info does not enforce or support hate crimes, violent thoughts, deeds or actions against any particular person(s), group, entity, government, mob, paramilitary force, intelligence agency, overpaid politician, head of state, queen, dignitary, ambassador, spy, spook, soldier, bowl cook, security flunky, contractor, dog, cat or mouse, Wal-Mart employee, amphibian, reptile, and or deceased entity without a PB (Physical Body). www.Takeoverworld.info condemns any and all actions, thoughts, radical agendas of a violent nature against parallel universes, alternate realities, hyperdimensional mathematics, and or precluded thoughts, which may not consist in this state of consciousness. ***www.Takeoverworld.info nor its author(s) make no claim to fitness of purpose or accuracy of information on its websites, torrent tracker, information system or what have you. This site exists for informational purposes only. We would encourage all readers to confirm or deny the veracity of this information for themselves, and we challenge everyone everywhere to become a more critical and informed thinker. In other words "Don't take our word for it" - check this stuff out for yourself! *** www.Takeoverworld.info will remove copyright material on authors request. We are NOT ANTI-SEMITIC and FYI we only look for evidence and anomalies that others will not look at (we take NO RACIAL POSITIONS). Is some of this unsubstaniated - absolutely, that is why many of the titles are in question marks. Come here because you want to read fringe research... and possibly alarming stuff.. Go somewhere else if you just want to read boring stuff.. The majority of what you read here is backed up in the news, and some of it is anecdotal, or just given to us in a email (which we post)... We do not have time to check everything out and source it! Like Charlie Sheen said 'Don't take my word for it - Do your own research...' Anything we write or post please copy and share freely, you have our full permission... Sorry feds, this site is RESEARCH ONLY, BUT THANKS FOR TRYING. |