![]() BACK to Audio-Video section on homepage2 |
![]() Home Page 1-A (extension) Home Page 1-B(extension) INDEX2 9-11 & Fourth Reich, Nazi history INDEX3 blackbox voting, peak oil, other issues AudioLinks - poli - (Jones and Parenti) Amazing 9-11 audio-vid Pro-Terrorism Site Map hoping for a convergence of genuine Conservative and genuine Leftist thought and action |
technote: DIVX or XVID
or MP4 style video format (about the same thing) can transfer directly
to a DVD. On the other hand, the 'variableness' of the WMV format
(windows video) makes it fail to burn, (though smaller). DIVX has been a "standard" for at least 5 years now, but I just found out that apparently Windows Media Player inside XP friggin' Media Center does NOT natively support DIVX movies. Real Player can also play some MP4 files. (Macs don't natively support Windows format, but they can also be outfitted to play Windows files.) However, the error message you get when you try to play it in WMP links you to the wmplugins.com website to get the codec [renderer], which links you to the DIVX company, where you can download the entire DIVX player (14.8MB) (then either install the whole player or only the codec ) or you can get the XVID 'open source' MP4 style codec (628KB), approximately equivalent. What is DivX? What is XviD? I will try to upload some alternate WMV files in the future as time allows. POP CULTURE video and audio
HEY, THAT'S THE TITLE OF THE VIDEO!!!! IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE ON YOU TUBE Submitted by Bill St. Clair: ALT: http://www.Takeoverworld.info/vid/Tell_the_truth_nigga.wmv 4th Branch - Immortal Technique local avi Landscape of U.S. Politics ![]() completely described in 4 min music video COOL MUSIC VIDEO World of Evil by Coldcut on Kontraband site World of Evil Divx AVI format on my site World of Evil MOV Quicktime Chrome_Cold_Clammy_Bombing (subtitle) a
twisted "80's punk" song ... by Chrome, on the CD: Half-Machine Lip
Moves.song officially titled March of the Chrome Police.
DEAD COMEDIAN (audio) bill_hicks_-_the_gulf_war.wma bill_hicks_-_kennedy.wma (YouTube) ![]() The Murder of Fred Hampton pt. 2 of 4 The Murder of Fred Hampton pt. 3 of 4 The Murder of Fred Hampton pt. 4 of 4 OutKast ft Erykah Badu, Cee lo, Big Rube... Liberation! Malcolm's Return From Mecca (1 of 2) Malcolm's Return from Mecca (2 of 2) Malcolm X at Oxford University Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary BOOK The Incredible Rocky by Joel Andreas 1973 (Acrobat PDF book) |
Stewart the
Daily Show +Steven Colbert + others (YouTube) (educational, too, now
many removed) Jon Stewart on the 'Miami Seven' MOV William Kristol w Steven Colbert (Project for a New American Century) (very FUNNY, classic "over-the-top" interview) Colbert "burns" Kristol, but he treats him sooo nice it's hard to tell! THIS is 2nd
public "interview" with head of PNAC
President Bush and His Sliced Pig MOV I was thinking about this Jon Stewart clip on "Bush and the Sliced Pig". Sure, it was dorky of Bush, but Bush isn't dorky, and everything he does is stage-managed, his "Gomer Pyle" impression.. Then I thought of a possible message: Jews can't eat pork. Neither can Muslims. Therefore he's signalling, LOUD AND CLEAR reminding everyone he's a Christian -- not a Muslim or Jew -- which is a way of defaming Christians with Bush-slog. (Or maybe i think too much?) Stem cell hipocrisy (compared to War) War On Terrorble Diseases Stem Cells - Bush Veto (mov)- Sam Brownback's talking Embryo Jon Stewart Solves the Middle East Crisis Israel's New Cunning Plan Iraqi Prime Minister Visit solution: Send More Jews Colbert
in Baghdad
Commanders Admit Possible Civil War in Iraq
American people are
War President Baywatch (Guantanimo) How To Bash Bush - Lesson From The Daily Show Amazing edits -- (Sign of the Apocalypse??) Stephen Colbert - Media's Role in the War in Iraq Bush on Gas, the Finite Resource Poll Smoking with Dave Gorman Alito's confirmation hearings Spanish Star Spangled Banner debate Daily Show - A Spot of Indecision (England) Colbert - People of Colors GOP Supports the Troops Colbert on Ten Commandments Monument crisis Bart Ehrman - Misquoting Jesus Bush as an Ivy League Gangsta (much profanity, amateur vid) The Daily Show Deconstructs Bush's
Immigration Speech
Porter Goss resigns! CIA shakeup turfwars and prostitutes |
![]() 1. MSNBC presented an elaborately detailed story about the lifestyle and anti-US philosophy of Osama bin Laden - while both towers were still burning and long before Bin Laden had been accused by anyone. 2. FOX News featured a "man in the street" eye witness who explained in strangely formal language the science behind why the towers collapsed when most engineers and firemen were utterly baffled and in shock by what had just taken place. 3. CBS featured a Bush administration insider (and not identified as such) as a guest who actively worked to dissuade Dan Rather (and viewers) from speculating that there must have been explosive charges placed in the buildings for them to have collapsed the way they did. 9/11 Truth vs The Media - Robert Baer, Syriana movie, CIA vs. Bill Maher www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ewpr_conspiracy-fact-911-was-an-inside-j_news HEARINGS NORAD press relations said USG running LIVE FLY DRILLS on Sept 11, posing as hijacked aircraft
Michael Badnarik - Constitution Class Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Libertarian Right wing-ish. Although he did not mention corporate personhood directly, he privately told me he was opposed to that anti-constitutional bullshit. Corporate Personhood -- a bizarre intepretation of the 14th Amendment -- puts Human Beings on equal judicial and legislative footing as multi-national corporations. With no deference to HUMAN liberty over corporate liberty, with an equal treatment of CIVIL RIGHTS for both corporations and humans, it comes down to who has more money and better lawyers. No wonder Corporations are sociopaths that don't care about human life. Corporations are Non-Humans. They are like Alien Beings from the Planet Avarice, designed for only one purpose: Capital Accumulation. Why should they be expected to care for human life? Sometimes they inadvertently expand prosperity too, and people who work for them invent cool stuff. They sometimes (but not always) use concentrated capital for industrial and technological development. Nothing wrong with that ... in most cases. Out of some 300 cases on the 14th Amendment heard by the Supreme Court following Emancipation, less than 1% were heard from actual black people, who were returned to a situation similar to the slavery within a few years. The vast majority of Supreme cases were Corporations demanding their "civil rights protections" against townspeople who sought to regulate their power or block some of their more harmful endeavors. Giant corporations were handled by the courts with the sympathy that was supposed to apply to "niggers" i.e. ex-slaves. In pre-Constitutional days, and up to shortly after 1789, some State govts tried to keep corporations on a tight leash, but they were overruled by the new all-powerful Federal (National) Government. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3505348655137118430 The Secret Government MUST SEE FULL 90 min: The Constitution in
Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Secret Government MUST SEE 22 min
![]() ![]() music vid: Sun_City_Girls_-_CIA_Man.avi
![]() (link to) Break for News audio clips ![]() Binladengatep1of2.mp3 Dave_Emory_Al-Taqua.mp3 Dave_Emory-Pearl_Harbor_Reichstag_(3).mp3 Dave_Emory--Ties_that_bind--Binladen_dx020129.mp3 dx020326_Machiavelli_101.rm History of Bush Fam and
friends and Nazis
Emory__John_Buchanan__Bush-Nazi_past_hi.mp3 smaller
lo fi version:
BBC-fascistcoup1933.mp3 (watered down story) False Flag attacks on America - Ralph Schoenman (30 min) false-flag+.mp3
The Future: Technology, Theocracy, and the Thousand Year Reich by Dave Emory subtitled Death Instead of 'Taxes' and Fascism - Learning to Sit on a Tack - and enjoy it! HERE (download L-02 series) cleaned up audio: 01 02 03 (Right-Click and save to your PC to play) ![]() massacre in East Timor A]_dn961210-amygoodman-timor.mp3 B]_dn961210-amygoodman-timor.mp3 Reagan's Funeral Assata Shakur 0524shakur.mp3 ![]() 1]_0502dickbeckeroniraq.mp3 2]_0502dickbeckeroniraq.mp3 Frank
Morales - Militarized
Hopsicker, Daniel on Mohamed Atta **** VIDEO **** ![]() Hopsicker_Atta_&_Flying_Circus-58.wmv Hopsicker_-Atta_&_Flying_Circus-28.wmv (low fi, still good) and
![]() Big_Fix__Elections__Mob_(65).wmv Casino crime bosses count our votes. DRUG LORDS - cocaine, Barry Seal, JFK, Clinton, Bush (I don't agree with Hopsicker's recent conclusions, but he provides a wealth of data -- too much extraneous data, actually.) Jello Biafra ![]() Hellburbia_-_on_Columbine.wma Religious_Supremecists.wma Wake_Up_and_Smell_the_Noise.wma Mike Levine (short clip on conspiracy) conspiracytheorist32.mp3 ![]() 9-11 Truth and Lies PART1 PART2 PART3 PART4 audio breaks up quite a bit on
part 2,
annoyingly imperfect
or try this
audio file instead
MIKE_RUPPERT_Truth_&_Lies_of_911_(32k)Noam Chomsky ![]() Noam_Chomsky__Education_&_Democracy.mp3 John Judge ![]() ParaPolitics101part2.mp3 ParaPolitics101part3.mp3 from John Judge http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/ ![]() leftist sorta guy exposes 9-11 and NWO with Alex Jones Sander Hicks with Bonnie Faulkner on 2nd pane--------->> ![]() I think Tarpley puts out some bad info, but some is good. ![]() Steven Zarlenga author "Lost Secrets of Money" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What's So Funny?
MUST SEE Bush cracking jokes on WMDs http://www.youtube.
http://www.youtube.2nd version, more audience, Bush looking for
Dick Cheney : Ultrahawk, Neocon,
I knew this years ago and we're still arguing over it
Stauber & Sheldon Rampton
War Corporatism - Neo Conservative Manifesto and the
Project for the New American Century (PNAC)
U.S. Occupation of Iraq - Intended to be Permanent
![]() Richard Perle, as Assistant Secretary of Defense, was interviewed by KRON-TV in 1986. He was asked to defend his belief that the USSR had tested a nuclear weapon in defiance of the Threshold Test Ban Treaty. When asked why he had ignored the opinions of government seismologists--all of whom rejected the possibility that the USSR was in violation of the treaty--he answered "I did not much care what their answer was." For an eerie echo of Perle's anti- expert stubbornness, see 2002 pre-Iraq war article from the Mirror (UK). 1_Chomsky-Perle_04121988.mp3 2_Chomsky-Perle_04121988.mp3 Scott Ritter: We Don't Care
About Iraqi's
MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 1
9/11 Truth: NOVA's "Pancake Theory" Simulation Debunked
www.dailymotion.com/related/2331472/video/x1edwv_novas-pancake-theory-debunked_news SEARCH If anyone has had the misfortune of sitting through NOVA's attempt and validating the official government myth about 9/11, here's a piece that debunks the "pancake theory" computer simulation NOVA's graphic artists came up with to make the Bush administration' install FLVplayer or Videolan VLC (good clean programs) 9-11_Truth--Pancake_Theory_IMPOSSIBLE.avi (first 5 sec blank) 9-11_Truth--Pancake_Theory_IMPOSSIBLE.wmv VIDEO | Keith
Special Comment About "Sacrifice"
http://www.truthout What Did The
Democrats Say About
Iraq's WMD
Many neo-con pro-war types try
to use the lies of the
Democrats to 'prove'
the Republicans were correct --- or at least both accidentally
mistaken --- when it's clear that everyone knew
about lack of WMDs and everyone knew
who was lying about them and twisting intelligence --- I knew way
back then based on Iraq's 12 years of devastating sanctions and the
tightest embargo in modern history!
Operation Gladio shown on BBC in 1992 global terrorist operations conducted with former Mussolini's Blackshirts, former Nazi SS, Atlantic Alliance (NATO), and CIA http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=gladio&hl=en Download WMV Gladio - 1 - The Ring Masters Gladio - 2 - The Puppeteers Gladio - 3 - The Foot Soldiers Download AVI for burning Gladio - 1 - The Ring Masters Gladio - 2 - The Puppeteers Gladio - 3 - The Foot Soldiers Kinda drags in some parts, but really important to see. Partly in Italian or Belgian with English subtitles. Includes dead bodies and killers testifying. Could be condensed and updated to new evidence reavealed after 1999. AUDIO up on this page Strategy of Tension, more to the story. http://www.Takeoverworld.info/false-flag.html
Alex Jones - Ralph Schoenman interview
Scientifically Crafted Systems of Manipulation & Control
I don't endorse Alex Jones, but this
explanation is good up to a point.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbC3_VCNvnU&NR Satan Worshippers! K.O.'d
Satan worshippers! K.O.'d pt.2
decent, mostly
factual Sept 11 video that finally begins to really dig into some
truth. This aint no Loose Change. Includes
many scenes I read about, but never saw before, like Condi
Rice evading a question again by an Indian reporter asking
about the exposed (alleged) Al-Qaeda financier who was meeting with top
White House officials during Sept 11. (I now think that whole "Florida terrorists" thing is
another smokescreen, but this brief scene blows huge holes into the
official story.)
far short too because it's LIHOP, but
it's very touching, starts with 9-11 Families, plus *begins* to expose
the sheer depth and breadth of lies and what's
been hidden.
those "accidental airlifts" out of
Afghanistan were not "errors". YES, Sept 11 was clearly a military
operation, NOT carried out by Al-Qaeda in cave -- nor did Al-Qaeda
conduct the coverup. Bush is not Bin Laden's sock puppet.
sufficient to pin the blame on Pakistan
either, nor on Saudis per Michael Moore. Guess who else CIA
controls: Pakistan's ISI (office shown in vid) is like a branch
office of CIA. CIA works with FBI, MI5, MI6, and other world
Intell. Experts at layers of disinfo, partly veiled "exposés"
and misdirection.
When Bush is shown lying on this video,
it seems to me like he's trying to look like a man who is lying
... badly! I've seen 8-year-olds lie better than
Bush does here. Check out when he is trying to suppress
his grin and glee at announcing war on
Afghani people.
Widow Mindy Kleinberg Testifies at 9/11
Mike Springman (AVI video) "I ISSUED VISAS TO TERRORISTS" Mike Springman (WMV video) Springman interview (smaller Real Audio) Michael Springmann is a Washington lawyer.
![]() 100,000 "creamy,
rich" white Venezuelans march to oust
Chavez --- news shows photo can caption with no story,
then jumps it to 600,000
... news ignores 200,000 brown people marching at the same time to support Chavez KPFA Guns and Butter archive Ralph Schoenman, Mya Shone, + Bonnie Faulkner and Taking Aim RADIO broadcasts on WBAI ++ w Michel Chossudovsky +++ Professor of Economics and Int'l Development at University of Ottowa, at the "The Int'l Citizens Inquiry into 911" held in TorontoMay 2004. July 14th 2004 Broadcast on KPFA Joseph Calhoun on the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and "terrorist" ties to U.S. INTELL (local) available public
documents -- *news* not theory
![]() x-small Lynne_Stewart_[3]_Schoenman6.wmv Snowshoe Films emad_salem.mp3 (difficult to hear) "The War On Terrorism, Part One" - with Michel Chossudovsky Jan 18, 2006 on his new book, "America's War On Terrorism". In Part One, Michel Chossudvosky shows the war on terrorism to be a complete fabrication. The terrorist bombings in Amman, Jordan; Basra, Iraq; and Bali Indonesia are revealed to be covert state terrorism. Pilot's View of of 911-->> link to MP3 excerpt Ever heard of the Strategy of TENSION?
Operation Gladio?
history of four decades of random
Masquerade #1: Bombings In Madrid
play terrorist bombings against European civilians by the US and Nazi allies just to scare everyone and blame the Leftists. Independent
Commission Hearings,
"The 911 Plot" with Ralph
Schoenman and Bonnie
including sound bites from testimony where govt. witnesses "slipped
up". June 16th
Here is a talk about the REAL
DEAL on "Islamic
GnB_20070404-Loren_Goldner.mp3 economist Dr. Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study
of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst,
Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of
Missouri, Kansas City and author of "Super-Imperialism: The Economic
Strategy of American Empire" (1972 and 2003).
Hudson_20070314.mp3 economist, brilliantDr. Michael Hudson speaks on the current real estate market, 2006 Dec Real Estate: Growth, Crash, or Soft Landing? Books - Super
Imperialism - The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S.
World Dominance, 2003
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&as_q=hudson+rentier Michael Hudson / Real Estate, Technology and the Rentier Economy HOW "INVESTORS" RIP OFF EVERYONE ELSE Saving, Asset-Price Inflation, and Debt-Induced Deflation Michael Hudson Part 4 Economic Rent GnB_20070425-Keith_Harmon_Snow.mp3 raping Africa Geoff Brennan - Afghanistan
soldiers and civilians visual tour, cities,
shops, people, cars, much different than you think
Given all this, it is not really necessary to 'prove' specifically who did 9-11. Nor speculate. We know that official story is wrong. Common sense then tells us WHO was really responsible. We CAN know, or we can choose to doubt, choose to doubt more than any jury ever did on a crack dealer. There were no more "unanswered questions" when the jet hit
the P-gon 90 minutes after
the first plane was reported off course, nor
when the BushCo team refused to testify under oath to their own fake
Commission. That alone seals the case, doesn't
it? (except without the
historical-political context, and the larger view that this is NOT merely a Neo-con but a Globalist
listen: Details on Scooter Libby, Patrick Fitzgerald 1 and 2 (audio 50 min) The banking and capital faction of the ruling class (Fitz, Bush-I, Scowcroft, Kissinger) are running Psy Ops sabotage on the Neocon-Likud faction (Libby, Cheney). ALSO listen to and The Thieves Fall Out Over Iran and Cloak and Dagger a Q and A. MORE than about the Scooter Libby case - DEEP POLITICS Black Ops: Signature of the Gangster State Outing Gentlemen Killers of the CIA Part 1 Part 2 (audio mp3) very
critical of Michael Moore and John Kerry
9-11 Rep. Cynthia McKinney Did The Commission Get It Right? with Jim Hoffman Jim Hoffman and Bonnie Faulkner 911 and State Terror From the International 911 Citizens Inquiry From the International 911 Citizens Inquiry Frank
- moving to a Militarized Police State Fallujah: A Sea of Rubble and
FULL 1 HOUR TALK --> Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone a
POWERFUL and difficult discussion
a book and audio presentation by Ralph Schoenman. The One Big
Property Party
with two names Republicrats and Demmicans Douglas F. Dowd "radical" economist in his 70's author of The Broken Promises of America: At Home And Abroad, Past and Present, An Encyclopedia For Our Times Doug Dowd talks on A-infos radio Sander Hicks with Bonnie Falkner The Big Wedding: 911, The Whistleblowers and the Cover-Up Part 1 - Part 2 (check out more on KPFA GunsandButter.net) MP3 files on my site GnB_1x2]_Sander_Hicks_20051005.mp3 GnB_2x2]_Sander_Hicks_20051012.mp3 www.takingaimradio.com
March Toward Dictatorship #1 (audio) download play March Toward Dictatorship #2 (audio) download play A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History Where to buy the book: Joan Mellen's website Three hour special program. takingaim051011-1.mp3 takingaim051011-2.mp3 takingaim051011-3.mp3 MICHAEL PARENTI audio MParenti_Democratic_Gov_vs_the_State+.mp3 Michael Parenti - Security State.mp3 very important talks today MParenti_How_I_Became_Activist+.mp3 MParenti_Sword_and_the_Dollar+.mp3 MParenti_Political_Uses_of_Religion.mp3 MParenti_Terrorism_&_Globalization.mp3 MParenti_Conspiracy_AND_Class_Power.mp3 MParenti{1x2}_Enforcing_Hierarchy_By_Every_Means_Avail.mp3 MParenti{2x2}_Enforcing_Hierarchy_By_Every_Means_Avail.mp3 MParenti - Lazy Law & Social Control.mp3 1_MParenti_ug3_Costs_of_Empire_+_Role_of_IMF.mp3 Parenti_-_Yugoslavia_1+.wma MParenti_intvw-KBOO-Corp_War_Against_Democracy.mp3 MParenti_- Rome_historical_perspective.wma Parenti_-
Parenti_- Founding_Fathers_+_WW2_+_Mumia.wma very interesting talk on World War 2 VIDEO: Parenti__Terrorism_Globalism_Conspiracy_2002,10-09.AVI PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 The A-Infos Radio Project http://www.radio4all.net Stan Goff - Mind over Matters (audio) JOHN TAYLOR GATTO audios John_Taylor_Gatto__Beyond_Schooling.mp3 John_Taylor_Gatto_-_Beyond_Money.mp3 The
Secret Government MUST SEE 22 min
It aired on PBS in 1987
and is as good as anything on the tape (must see). Moyers
is a very respected TV journalist who also worked for Lyndon B. Johnson
and has a very professional approach. He interviews many different
people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. His
documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually
happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the cold war
(including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Viet Nam and Chile). He features such
people as Ralph McGeehee and Phil Retinger (both
former CIA agents), Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque (Ret. U.S.N.), Theodore
Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank
Church and many others. Moyers is so very credible. The full
video "The Secret Government" is 90 minutes - this segment is edited by
Frank Dorrel to 20 minutes.
The Secret Government MUST SEE FULL 90 min: The Constitution in
Crisis, by Bill Moyers
This is the
full length 90 min. version of Bill
Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal
subterfuge carried out by the Executive ... all » Branch of the
United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly
contrary to the wishes and values of the American people. The ability
to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National
Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the
Iran-Contra arms and drug-running operations which flooded the streets
of our nation with crack cocaine. The significance of the documentary
is probably greater today in 2007 than it was when it was made. We now
have a situation in which these same forces have committed the most
egregious terrorist attack on US soil and have declared a fraudulent
so-called "War on Terror". The ruling regime in the US who have
conducted the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, are now banging the
war drum against Iran. We have the PATRIOT act which has stripped us of
many of our basic civil rights justified by the terror of 9/11 which is
their own doing.
- this is a good documentary on the Lies about the Iraq invasion told
by over 20 (retired) top military including former CIA Director Stansfield Turner...
but I think it's a CIA psyop -- for a number of
reasons having to do with *lack of*
advertising and distribution, despite
the known fact (Church Committee hearings) that CIA
has a lot of control and influence in the media, including reporters on
Despite the fact that the producer got together 24 VERY TOP military people on video, we are asked to believe nobody had "pull" to get it into major theater chains, nor on TV, nor even advertize it, nothing except deep BLUE Democrats buying it from "MoveOn" and showing it at "house parties". What were sane people to do? Invite Republicans to Kerry House Parties? When does the CIA rely on "word of mouth" of liberal voters to spread information? I'd say, when they want to limit the audience. Why? To deepen the political divide? To create the appearance of democracy behind Soros, while showing nothing to Bush voters that might upset them? That's my take on it. But it's still a good movie and mostly true. Except for some of the Joe Wilson propaganda. |
G. Edward Griffin
libertarian (audio) (WARNING: John Birch Society) israel: Watch an Actual Home Demolition (video) Economic Hitman talk, John Perkins Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld (video) HUMOR senate_space.wmv after Office Space movie Michel Chossudovsky - The Truth Behind 911 Communist_manifestoon.avi VOTING?
(Bev Harris - she was vindicated
after being accused of mismanaging donations)
HackingtheVote65.wmv (really
small lofi video)
decided NOT to put the ballots in the vault and the "Seal" does NOT
seal the box. Smoke and mirrors in New Hampshire recount."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKQEQ7qHvgM Big_Fix__Elections__Mob_(65).wmv (Hopsicker, Mafia counts our votes)
(mostly Dem viewpoint on Election)
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008
Voters - The Onion
(really small)
American Schools Trail Behind World In Aptitude Of
Child Soldiers
be aware that both the PRESIDENT'S ADVISORY PANEL at PNAC (which makes up a big
chunk of the Bush cabinet) -- and it's
alter-ego the Democratic National Committee -- of course they
believe in WAR and the THREAT OF WAR -- not stopping at Iraq,
bidding (and the financial bidding of the group of elites who
manage to keep getting them elected) --- but they ALSO
Madison said War leads to despotism. PNAC said
that's good!! War serves as a psychological assault on the
world population, with lasting and lingering effects.
Ledeen, Karl Rove's mentor over at PNAC, wrote that Peace
is Unnatural and Dangerous ... dangerous to elite
rule and to a totalitarian society, because society is filled with
stupid people who deserve elite domination. He also believes that
the only job of a Prince is to make war, and that Lying is not only
acceptable, but glorious
and delicious.
This means permanent domestic war, including a
Government War on Drugs, Immigration, Porn, Abortion, Education,
Immorality, Worker Rights, you name it ... in a permanent and
growing National Security State. Really the destruction
of what we know as "America".
The State
of War serves
as a useful psychological assault on
the world and US population. The equating of War with
is a part of the method of creating a lasting and
lingering PSTD (shell-shocked)
nation full of confused, dependent, chaotic,
needy people.
PSTD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder