name TAKEOVERWORLD is a joke.
The site fit on one
floppy disk before adding video and audio.
A large percentage of us must gain wisdom and discernment about
the fishbowl we swim in.
We think of partisan struggles and "bi-partisan" consensus.
The role of institutions of Real Power is obscured.
One tiny glimpse is that Dick
Cheney's employer is literally Obama's
Obama and Cheney are CLEARLY working for the same "Board of Directors"
of America.
If WE can find common
ground and agreement, armed revolution may become redundant and
Armed revolutions tend to be bloody and chaotic, armed militias try to
kill the other HALF, and who
knows the outcome.
Let's not engage as Right Wingnuts and Left Moonbats, as our leaders
manipulate us to define ourselves.
This site name is a
joke, the content is not.
enable Javascript in
settings to see Menus
at top
some links especially "in-page" are temporarily broken
September 11 was not "a conspiracy".
It was POLICY, in
September 11 was not "a conspiracy". It was POLICY, in writing, see below.
Set aside the "9-11 Tinfoil Conspiracy
Set aside physics on the Towers. True or false, the technical details
present a barrier.
Let's look at the whole incident and history, in context.
In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be
towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of
uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting
the latest communications techniques
to manipulate emotions and control reason.
The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a
more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values (like liberty and
democracy?). Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every
citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most
personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
- Between Two Ages : America's Role in the Technetronic Era
- 1970
Authorities want
us to
believe that
"Muslims" attacked us, and
that could be true,
but ...
1. FBI staged bombings in America,
using provocatuers and
Islamic pastys, in 1993.
Judges incl Mukasey could not deny taped
admissions. See WND
article below.
The Islamists opposed the dicator Mubarak in Egypt, backed by the US.
The provocateur who arranged the bombing was from Egyptian
Intelligence, on FBI payroll and command.
Prosecutors Guiliani and Patrick
Fitzgerald tried
to suppress these
Prosecutors invented the name "Al-Qaeda" for the RICO Act, a name Osama
Bin Laden had not used until they said it on TV.
Foreign policy advisors stated that people living under democratic rule
reject "imperial mobilization", unless terrified.
Pentagon-Intell advisors stated in
writing that it was VITAL
to their goals of global hegemony that America fight
(start) and decisively win "multiple, simultaneous major theater wars". and
advisors stated that
they needed a bloodbath on American
soil to start these wars.
The 19 hijackers supposedly had the motive (although their decadent
in the US conflicts with that), but did
they really have the means? Who made
the opportunity so easy? You'll see, but part of that answer was
given by Colleen
Rowley seen on the very cover of Time Magazine, when she jokingly
suggested there was "an Al-Qaeda mole inside the FBI". The 9-11
Solution -How the myth was sold-
In the past, US Mil/Intell and foreign
Secret Police
employed a covert "Strategy of TENSION"
to terrorize civilians, an old method.
They have carried out bombings and shootings
random civilians using False-Flag
Operations to blame it one someone else.
The Joint Chiefs once approved of a preliminary plan to bomb and shoot
up the United States, to blame it on Castro.
Random bombings hightened Security
concerns. Political & electoral outcomes were changed. That is
political terrorism. CIA has launched terror operations around the
globe, some overt, some covert.
Trillions of dollars in military spending and petro-dollars were riding on
America's pre-planned
"War on Terror".
Policy experts stated America needs to maintain
control over "Eurasia" (Middle East) and block any competitor (China)
from unimpeded access.
Bush was the perfect "fake cowboy" actor to
pull it off, with a dose of Christian Warrior posturing, with
assistance from his spokespersons and the jingoistic media. (You
knew Bush was afraid of horses and bought his "ranch" for a campaign
prop, right? So say some real Texans.)
5. There are w-a-a-a-y
more connections between "terrorists" and our
state" than implied by the few sources willing to
concede that much historical fact.
Bush-Carlyle Group-Binladen Construction and
family-Saudi Royals is just one connection. Meet
The Carlyle Group
- Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the
War on Terrorism
Al-Qaeda was used as our proxy army in the late
1990s, under Clinton,
according to the Republican
Senate Policy Committee (which buried their own report). Links
One of our good-guy hired guerilla commanders in
late 90s was Mohamed
al-Zawahiri, brother of
Dr. Ayman Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda leader. Another man involved with
every single major attack alternated between Muslim Brotherhood, the US
Army, mujahideen in Afghanistan (while enlisted in North
Carolina), defense contractor, assistant and trainer and bodyguard
to Bin Laden and to Zawahiri, FBI or CIA informant.
6. Alternate enemies - Saudis, Pakistan - helped the Pentagon and CIA
funnel money and
weapons to Islamic CIA proxies, assisting covert Al-Qaeda operations. Israel helped that effort too, just as Israel helped arm
Iran leading up to and during the Iran-Iraq war. "Charlie
Wilson's War" movie shows how Right Wing Christians and Reaganites funded Islamic radical
fighters, allegedly to help the Afghan people defend themselves from
the Soviets, but the movie hides the fact that our National Security
funded the Mujahideen terrorists starting July 3, 1979, long before any
Soviet invasion,
for the express purpose of inducing that
terrible military assault on Afghanistan, and justifying the US
"response". Before that, the Soviets were not repressing, they
were helping their next-door neighbors replace a primitive
fundamentalist Islamic govt with a more modern, leftist, albeit
socialist govt, which permitted freedoms like women getting education
and serving in govt.
The govt tried to subdue Islamic Radicalism. We used Afghani
people as pawns and PR symbols to attack the USSR by proxy.
7. Saudi
hijackers supposedly attacked us on 9-11, but the Saudi Royals
allies with Bush, Citigroup, CIA, etc.
So close are they that a civil suit by
American survivors of Sept 11 against Saudi Royals was shut
down by Bush's family attorney James Baker, on the grounds of
immunity, a favor protecting Saudis from the American people.
Would the investigation have linked back to the Baker's American
clients? We'll never know, but it's a good bet, considering ...
Bush recently gave Saudis $30B in weapons, even
offered them nuke technology.
8. A look at WHO apparently arranged the
11 attack,
and for
what reasons, is more important,
relevant, and more interesting
than technical
details about architecture, metallurgy, and HOW Buildings
were destroyed. It's a History Channel miniseries on CIA
drama. It's like "CSI" comes home.
Let's start with
groups and people that collaborated in the past with
Al-Qaeda/Mujahideen, and/or collaborated
in fabricating threats, such
as PNAC, Team B, American
Enterprise Institute, Heritage
Foundation, Freedom House, Freedom's
Watch, CFR - Council on Foreign Relations, Center
for Security Policy, Family Security Matters, Vets for Freedom, Foundation for Defense of Democracies,
and many other similar well-funded "think
tanks" and PR shops. Freedom, freedom, freedom, but you better
watch what you say (Ashcroft). These groups share interlinked
members and have links with
CIA covert ops, the White House, and the broad Military-Industrial
including those who "advise" the President and Veep, Congress, and
Defense Policy Board at the Pentagon.
Some had deeper access than most in Congress.
leaders with an iron will are
required to root out
the corruption
and either reestablish a virtuous state, or to institute a new one. .
. If
we bask in false security and drop our guard, the rot
spreads, corrupting the entire society. Once that happens, only violent
and extremely unpleasant methods can bring us back to virtue."
"We're all about ending tyranny and spreading democracy, that's what we
"the way to defeat the terror masters is by the spread of Democratic
revolution" "enemies
are now among the most enthusiastic supporters of spreading democracy"
can only hope that we turn the [Middle East] region into a cauldron,
and faster,
I cannot
deny the weighty Jewish-neocon influence in these institutions, nor the
heavy right-wing Jewish neocon efforts stoking the Cold War, but I
don't endorse the "ZOG" theory
that some 9-11 activists promote about Jews secretly sponsoring
America was doing this stuff long before Israel existed. Some
Jews, who were far right Democrats (with "Scoop" Jackson, "Senator from
Boeing"), aligned themselves with US policy elites and Satan-fearing
Christians back in the Cold War days of the 50s and 60s. They
Nixon too. They
over-hyped anti-communist hysteria to fight "the Evil Empire",
culminating in mass murder in Vietnam and in Latin
America in the 1980s,
and around the globe (see John Stockwell retired CIA, or
Philip Agee, or Ralph McGehee), thereby
earning "props" and gaining political power we see them wield today.
People higher up the food chain selected the Neocons in
Plenty of Muslims do in
fact "hate America", or at least dislike American foreign policy, or
dislike sleazy Western culture, there is some truth to that.
Other nominal Muslims and Arabs admire
America. Ironically,
some of
the alleged hijackers seemed to have reveled in American sleaze.
*Evidence* is
abundant that the govt's conspiracy theory --- about how
Al-Qaeda operatives beat our $12 Trillion automated Defense System
developed for 45-years ---
are improbable,
illogical, or flat-out impossible.
pages now being radically updated, some links might be bad
'Thought Crime' Legislation of HR
1955, S 1959 DISCLAIMER
Huey from Boondocks makes a political
statement. (flash video)
TIP: When
clicking on Links, try to [Right-Click]
and [Open
in New Window] instead of going forward
and back.
for Javascipt popups
just click them and close.
I have preserved some others' webpages as MHTML files, lest they vanish
from the Web. MHT works with Internet Explorer, but Firefox will need Mozilla's MHTML Addon
to view them.
WTC bombing Let's
cut to the chase ...
1993 World Trade Center bombing is widely considered the "sister-event" or precedent
the Sept 11, 2001 attack. The
1993 World Trade Center bombing was like the "Opening Salvo" in the War
on Terror, Act One of the drama. The
1993 bombing was the first one blamed on a new
group called "Al-Qaeda" by NY Prosecutors.
let's take a close look at it.
It is ON THE RECORD that
the 1993 WTC
bombing was planned-and-staged by the FBI.See "FBI and the mad
bombers" below. The
court could not toss out FBI agent admissions caught on tape (by the
informant-provocateur), nor could they toss out the
testimony of other FBI agents' confirming it. (Prosecution
accused her of having a sexual relationship with the Egyptian
Judge therefore stated that FBI's
sponsorship of the bombing was a GOOD THING!
His argument was
that the terrorists might
have used a worse bomb, if the FBI had not
supplied the explosives. Two problems with that story.
One, the plan for the
bombing came from the FBI, not from the guys they
arrested and convicted (including the infamous "Blind Sheik").
Two, the "informant" who set up the bombing step-by-step, he wanted to
supply FAKE explosivesas the FBI first told him, so nobody would get hurt. The FBI
supervisor insisted on using LIVE
The Egyptian informant politely accused the FBI of "screwing up". He
was basically told to mind his own business, that the FBI supervisor
had ordered the live
bomb for higher reasons which were not to be his concern.
Mr. Salem taped
himself telling his 'handler' FBI agent Floyd: "Since
the bomb went off I feel terrible. I feel bad. I feel here is people
who don't listen."emad_salem.mp3
here's the main point again: What's NOT open to debate is that
the FBI planned 1993 WTC. "an
overzealous sting operation" they admitted
received written transcripts from their informant, every step of the
way, as the "sting" slowly unfolded. FBI provided the original
plan with targets, the safe house, money, bomb,
instructions, truck, and explosives. The safe house was actually
paid for by a female Mossad agent. FBI agents manned the Ryder
rental office.
The convicted bombers agreed
the FBI's plans and carried them out, not realizing it was
an FBI sting. Mohammed A. Salameh FAILED at following directions
on where to park the truck. Rare
TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge Then he
went back to collect the $400 deposit from Ryder after the truck blew
arrested and convicted bombers were described as mildly "retarded" --
70 to 85
IQ. That factor supports the "too stupid to have done it on their
own" argument more than the "criminal
mastermind" argument.)
Here's what that
huge gaping hole in the official 1993 story looks like, according
Conservative news site World
Net Daily:
make a long, complicated story short and simple: The FBI spent $3
million of your tax money to blow up the World Trade Center."
"When will this insanity end?
What is the overall objective of the
FBI and government? Are these activities actually designed to
thwart terrorism or encourage it?
Who benefits most from
terrorist activity?
Remember this the next time
you hear about a so-called "terrorist incident." [end excerpt]
This is
from a Rush Limbaugh-friendly site,
but it's accurate. It also explains the
1995 bombing inside
job in Oklahoma City and other disasters too, in only 727 words. I
love the simplicity. Conservatives know how to get to the
point, without a lot of "liberal intellectual blather". (I love you, my
Maybe you
FAR RIGHT, Christian, tabloid-looking sources? Try this: Ralph
Schoenman- Who
Bombed the World Trade Center (1993) with much more copy
Schoenman has
what looks like impeccable
Left-y credentials, with structural
analysis &
class analysis that Leftists approve over "right wing loonies" and their
Look at Schoenman's record. Schoenman
also explains the POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS and REASONS, something the
9-11 Truth Movement is pretty unclear about, or oversimplifies.
FOR the original NY Times and LA Times
articles on 1999, click the Chertoff
link way down this page and scroll down to Free Republic, which has
them archived.
precedent did the 1993 bombing really set? The "evil Islamic
terrorists" precedent or the "Arab patsies run by FBI/CIA" precedent?
Who was the crazy
Judge over that 1993 bombing
trial who said it was a "good thing"
that FBI supplied the bomb? Bush
appointed Judge Michael Mukasey to be Attorney General of the United
States, approved by Democrats. Who were the Prosectors?
Patrick Fitzgerald (Valerie Plame-CIA
case) and Rudolph Guiliani.
Since the 1993 attack was an
FBI-planned-and-staged operation, is it wrong to seriously consider
it's 2001 "sister-event" a govt op too? Sept 11
happened under Saint George
W. Bush, while the previous attack occurred under Bill Clinton; is that
a good
reason to ignore these facts??
SANDER HICKS (investigator,
Am I the only one who thinks
that it’s creepy that the FBI guy who admitted the FBI knew all about
planes being flown into buildings well before 9/11, Michael
Anticev, has the
same last
name as the FBI agent John
who handled Emad Salem, the informant who said that the FBI “built the
bomb” for the 1993 WTC bombing? “We’re
doing this
for a
higher reason. We know what we’re doing and we know what it’s gonna
mean in the future." link to FBI taped admission
article about propaganda was
written by Leon T. Hadar and published by both the Jerusalem Post, and
by the prestigious
libertarian Cato Institute SIXMONTHS
before the 1993 bombing:
Now that the Cold War is becoming a memory,
America's foreign policy establishment has begun searching for new
Indeed, like the Red Menace of
the Cold War era, the Green Peril
is perceived as a cancer spreading around the globe, undermining the
legitimacy of Western values and political systems. The cosmic importance of the
confrontation would make it necessary for Washington to adopt a
longterm diplomatic and military strategy; to forge new and solid
alliances; to prepare the American people for a neverending struggle
that will test their resolve; and to develop new containment policies,
new doctrines, and a new foreign policy elite with its "wise men" and
There are dangerous
signs that the process of creating
threat out of isolated events and trends in the Moslem world is
beginning. The Green Peril thesis
is now being used to explain diverse
and unrelated events in that region, with Tehran replacing Moscow as
the center of ideological subversion and military expansionism and Islam substituting
for the spiritual energy of Communism.
Islam does seem to fit the bill as the
ideal post-Cold War villain.
"It's big; it's scary; it's anti-Western; it feeds on poverty and
discontent," wrote David Ignatius, adding that Islam "spreads across
vast swaths of the globe that can be colored green
on the television maps in the same way that communist countries
used to be colored red."
Foreign policy
experts are already using the familiar
Cold War jargon to describe the coming struggle with Islam. [...]
The creation of a
peril usually starts with mysterious
"sources" and
unnamed officials who leak information, float trial balloons, and warn
about the coming threat. Those
sources reflect debates and discussions
taking place within government. Their information is then augmented by colorful intelligence
reports that finger exotic
and conspiratorial
terrorists and military advisers. Journalists then search for
the named
and other villains. The media end up finding corroboration from foreign
sources who form an informal coalition
with the sources in the U.S.
government and help the press uncover further information
substantiating the threat coming from the new bad guys.
the "new
villain", there was a great need to block a
long-awaited "peace
for social
and tax
(Screw that peace dividend. How will Cold Warriors feed their families
without a new threat?)
There is a real
strategic interest in expanding America's military force and
economic blackmail amongst populations that do not want Washington to
dictate their affairs -- "FINANCE
capitalism" -- Wall Street style --
over govts, installing US puppets, CIA and USAID etc rigging
elections. Finance = Debt.
The Grand Chessboard, by Zbigniew Brzezinski, goes into much detail
about the need to secure the ENERGY-RICH REGION of Eurasia, the Middle
Wise Up Journal on The Grand Chessboard Grand Chessboard - Part 1 - America’s Role
as the First, Only, and Last Truly Global Superpower Grand Chessboard - Part 2 - Cultural Decay
and Motivating Empire Grand Chessboard - Part 3 - Supranational
Unions As A Stepping Stone Grand Chessboard - Part 4 -
Interdependence and the Luxury of War PDF
version ALL PARTS How World War III
Began - Act 1/2 (video, youtube) How
World War III Began - Act 2/2
Corporate Capitalism, is business and manufacture organized
around non-human institutions created-and-defined in Law i.e. by
Governments, to
internalize profits, to socialize risk and losses on the public, outsource
waste and damage,
and to allow owners to evade civic and personal responsibility.
These institutions were opposed or greatly restricted by most of
America's Founders, who had fought a war to throw off the tyranny of
British Crown Corporations. Corporate Human and Civil Rights were
forced on Americans by Lawyers and Judges, by Lobbyists, by
Greed. That was bad enough, but seems like "good old times"
today. Industry IS
good, risk socialization is fine if the accounting is kept. The
main problem is the relative reduction in human freedom and
Enlightement ideals in the face of Government-backed financial tyranny
combined with police repression, going back decades. Baubles and
gadgets are not a good trade-off for human freedom.
But where FINANCE
capitalism has been permitted to take root by bought or terrified or
coup-ed governments, manufacture and productivity is destroyed,
de-industrialization creeps in, then wages decline while both public
and private and business debt skyrockets.
The 1936
Senate Nye Report was about military
industrial corporations fomenting
wars in
South America, Central America and Europe, by
starting mini arms races and provoking fear and hostile relations, to
sell more weapons or for other strategic considerations.
Directorates in the Corporate Community
Advisory Committees
Cohesion & the Bohemian Grove
Pension Fund
The gross result of this research is a list of over 1000
corporate interlocks for Rockefeller Family and Associates. The
list is so huge that we refrain from publishing it in its raw form for
fear of simply drowning the reader. The
list of corporations contained in this table of multiple interlocking
directorates with the Rockefeller Family
represents an immense portion of the entire economic apparatus of this
country. This table (section 36 in link) includes:
6 of the top 10 Industrial Corporations listed by FORTUNE
6 of the top 10 Commercial Banking Corporations listed by FORTUNE
5 of the top 10 Life Insurance Corporations listed by FORTUNE
and 2 or 3 of the top 10 corporations in the
other four categories listed by FORTUNE
The combined assets of all the
companies listed here add up to $ 640,000,000,000. (in 1973, $640 Billion)
Google metcalf
directorates" (in quotes)
of Corporate Concentration: Institutional Shareholders
Interlocking Directorates Among Major U.S. Corporations, Staff
Study, U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs (U.S. Government
Printing Office), Vol. I, 1210 pages This
study, based on 1980 data, traces the connections among 100 of the
largest U.S. corporations and banks. It reveals a pattern of economic power concentrated in
a few institutions that are tightly linked by common shareholders and
Does anyone know about
A Senator's study revealed that a handful of people, it was literally
FIVE PEOPLE in one stat, control vast swaths of
American corporate power and
money. Needless to say, they have great political power
Senator Metcalf died in 1978. You
know that Ronald Reagan, the DotCom and Real Estate and Oil Futures
bubbles, as well as ongoing Mergers and Acquisitions, have
even further consolidated wealth and power.
As "pro-business" as Bush and the
Republicans are, with those massive tax breaks going to those 5 or 100
billionaires, the Obama cabinet is filled
with Mergers and Acquisitions investment bankers, from Rahm Emanuel down to his "car
czar", and THEY PICKED HIM, after which he picked them to serve.
Some "commie", that Obama. "Bankers of the World, Unite!" as Lenin said. (I assume
you know the real quote.)
voting power was
especially concentrated in more than half of the 122 large corporations
family interests
controlled 13 to 50 percent of
13 corporations
One single institution
controlled from 5 to 70 percent of votes in 18 corporations
A combination of FIVE or
fewer voters --- FIVE PEOPLE --- controlled from 10 to 21 percent of
the votes in 24
major corporations. Corporate
leaders form advisory
committees to the Federal Govt (and State level too), which then
bribe and pressure Congressmen, as well as threaten the disobedient
This article is by Vic Reinemer, a staff director of Metcalf's
the corporate
and nonprofit directors most often sat on
advisory committees for the Department of Defense, the Department of
Energy, and the FCC
Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in
the guise of
fighting a foreign enemy.
-- James Madison while a
States Congressman
This need for a "common enemy" is a common view amongst
It's basic Machiavelli and Leo Strauss. And Hitler.
“A prince must have no other objectives or other thoughts or take
anything for his craft, except war.”
"The Elite Few" have granted themselves a 'moral license' to spread
lies to "the Vulgar Many", and to manipulate our emotions with
religion, patriotism, and fear.
Chertoff and
the 1993 World Trade Center bombing<- LINKS
including: Chertoff
defended a physician embezzler with terrorist ties.
Chertoff helped write the PATRIOT Act, before 9-11. Joe Lieberman
played a big role in writing that PATRIOT Act, so our government can
keep tabs on us and keep us "safe".
Benton K. Partin, Brig Gen (ret)
31-y veteran, cmdr of Air Force Armament Technology Lab:
"OK City was inside job".
Taking Aim Radio including - Black
Ops: Signature of the Gangster State, Outing the Gentlemen Killers of
the CIA, Edwin Wilson and the Merchants of Death
operative meets in the White House
CIA Rejects Discipline For 9/11 "Failures"
"Let Bin Laden stay free" - former CIA chief
Did U.S. cut deal to let bin Laden stay
free? CIA
reportedly disbands Bin Laden unit
The ‘airlift of
evil’ rescuing
Al-Qaida from the Mountains
Delta Force commander ordered to NOT kill Bin Laden (CBS)
German Court Criticizes U.S. for
Withholding Evidence in terror trial
Sept. 11's
Smoking Gun: The Many
Faces of
Saeed Sheikh
Alleged Hijackers Trained at US
Scoop: UQ Wire: 911
Hijackers Who Lived At
A US Navy Base
FBI refused to accept 14,000 incriminating
Saudi documents
Pentagon Plan to Provoke
Terrorist Attacks
- Rumsfeld's P2OG
Permanent War: The Stakes For Working People
terrorists, arresting those who reported on them
- US agents told to "back off" Bin Ladens (ANANOVA)
- Bush
Thwarted FBI probe against Bin Ladens (AFP)
- FBI told
to "back off" investigating Bin Laden family before the attacks on
Sept. 11th: BBC Newsnight
- Has
someone been sitting on the FBI? BBC Newsnight transcript
- Bush took
FBI Agents of bin Laden family trail (TIMES OF INDIA)
claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated (LONDON GUARDIAN)
- FBI 'was
told to back off bin Laden family' (SYDNEY MORNING HERALD)
- Another
FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on 9-11
agent: I was stymied in terror probe
Whistleblower Complains of FBI Obstruction
- Judicial
Watch press conference featuring special FBI agent Robert Wright -
impeded from terrorist investigations
- Scandal
Inside the FBI: Did G-Men Miss the Boat on 9-11?
Lawyer Tells of Terror 'Roadblock'
Minneapolis agent says FBI headquarters rewrote requests for search
warrants for Moussaoui
- Agent
Claims FBI Supervisor Thwarted Probe
- Agent
blasts FBI over 11 September 'cover-up'
- Angry FBI
agents joked about al Qaeda mole at HQ
- Another
FBI Agent Blows the Whistle - New evidence that the Bureau quashed
another terror probe before 9/11
Agent: Bureau Prevented Terror Probe
- The
ignored warning: FBI officer prevented from prosecuting future 9/11
Various WTC architecture and building
collapse controversies about
explosions vs. planes tells as little as ballistics arguments
about JFK. That's gotten nowhere. We won't face
that our system of government is a plutocracy, aristocracy, and
kleptocracy. The technical arguments are merely fodder for
theorists" to play with, which avoids the "systemic" questions, who and
A Wall Street based informal clique
working as "intelligence" and "investment/business" had collaborated
with Nazi banking and Nazi war industry, as well as funnelling big
money to the Nazi Party political campaign. Degrees of
involvement varied amongst individuals.
was spawned by this group, linked with the OSS. Some leaders were
directly involved in founding the regime in Saudi in Arabia, by backing
King Saud with money and weapons.
During World War 2, Truman accused the CEO of Standard Oil of "treason".
fact that "Oswald the Commie Traitor" got a
$435 loan from the CIA for a return flight from Moscow with his "white"
wife, or the fact that Oswald's street address for "Fairplay for Cuba"
was shared
with one of Hoover's anti-communist anti-Cuba cops (Oswald got a TV
interview to promote Cuba, despite being the only member), or
that the far
right considered JFK a "pinko" and "traitor"
President for being insufficiently hyped on the Cold War, or the fact
that Oswald's CIA agent payroll number was 110669, or the fact that in
September 1962, LHO joined FBI as $200-per-mo informant (Warren Comm
exec session, Jan 27, 1964), or the fact that the CIA
Director Dulles who Kennedy had fired for running the Bay of Pigs
to overthrow/kill Castro against the President's orderswas then appointed the leadinvestigator of
Kennedy's murder ... I hope you get my point. Oswald was
no "lone nut". CIA, which Johnson later called "Murder, Inc." --
and it's various associates -- would be the most likely suspects.
Murder and coups was their specialty.
Some US officials wanted a terror
bloodbath, in
writing, prior
to Sept 11.
If you heard someone
advocating the need
for an attack on America, to launch a global revolution, would you
report them to the authorities?
What if they were the
Wouldn't that represent a
conflict of interest
if they were "fighting terrorism", but at the same time, they WANTED a
Pearl Harbor/9-11 event? What if, to add to suspicions, they
belonged to orgs that supported
violent Islamic radicals in the past,
for destabilization, terror, psychological warfare?
Wouldn't it burn you up to see them smiling on TV,
pressuring us to wage wars supposedly against
officials and foreign policy flacks were writing
in scholarly
journals (that
few people read) that they NEEDED
Americans to experience
and terrifying crisis -- a
-- to drive us to support twin policies of
and a "domestic security" crackdown. Internal security is usually
a nice way of
saying "repression". These propagandists (with direct
contacts inside the CIA and Pentagon) described interim goals and
tactics, which resembled those stated by "Osama bin Laden",
who is a"former" CIA and
asset --
-- the use
of terror for political change in the USA.
The described goals, which
included wars in the Middle East, Iraq especially, were part of a
Defense Dept policy plan dubbed The Wolfowitz Doctrine to cover 1994 -
1999, also echoed by PNAC and
eventually the Bush Doctrine and National Security Strategy.
Bi-Partisan too.
How could our media FAIL to notice these Public Relations statements
made 1 to 2 years
before 9-11, advocating FOR
a 9-11 event?
How dare they mock critics and whistleblowers!
(updated: July 18,
How many innocent people would you kill/sacrifice for a
few trillion dollars?
How many innocent people would you kill for a huge visionary
military-capitalist project for world
Does "world domination" sound too corny? Too sci-fi? Dr.
They run America.
is not that complicated:
the cops find a dead body, and then a
note from an estranged spouse about hiring a hitman.
Is that proof?
Almost. Indicated intent, motive.
Is it evidence in the crime?
Of course!
Now imagine the spouse has police
connections, and
that the cops order no
murder investigation. What would that mean? What
would the citizens say? "Okey-dokey"?
Detectives usually consider
as "prime suspects" persons closest to the crime, when looking for
evidence. Everybody
knows that. It's obvious. We've all watched many cop shows.We have
common sense. Most
crimes are "inside jobs", and cops know to look at those
closest to the
Imagine that three banks are
today by 3 teams of gunmen. Cops wait 90 minutes to
show up, too late to help. One bank is next door to a police
station, robbed
in broad daylight. Now imagine the police chief states that they
ARE going to ATTACK THE CRIMINALS but they are NOT going to have
any investigation whatsoever
(later conceding to public pressure to have a limited investigation of the
Chief agrees to sends his detectives ... AWAY ... to a neighboring
... or
Why would cops NOT
investigate a robbery spree? What would it mean if
someone used political
connections to have the cops ORDERED to halt the investigation?
This is not that
complicated. Occam's Razor DOES apply to Sept 11 (as
an indicator of likelihood, not proof).
One of the biggest anomalies about
September 11 is
that Bush ordered NO investigation of September 11.
Everyone knows that, right? "Oh
No!! DON'T
The term for this is Obstruction of Justice.
fact that NOBODY in the media or FBI or 9-11 Commission or govt has
made this simple observation -- and they act like it's
the craziest idea to even think that the people who
obstructed the investigation were involved in the crime -- this
is one of the
strongest clues that
this STINKS!!! This is the 800 LB gorilla
in the
room that everybody tiptoes around.
"Lt. Colombo"
would be all over these suspects, for their pretentious denial, if
nothing else. "Lt. Colombo" would have cracked the case in two
TV shows at most. "There's just one thing that bothers me
Blocking an investigation is a serious crime, and sufficient to
*prove* that something
is seriously wrong
with the official story. "Obstruction of justice" and
"interfering with an investigation" are serious crimes, but when the
orders come from the top, it has a different context.
FBI has narrowed its focus to "about four" suspects in the 6 1/2-year
investigation of the deadly anthrax attacks of 2001, and at least three
of those suspects are linked to the Army’s
bioweapons research facility at Fort Detrick in Maryland, FOX
News has learned. Among
the pool of suspects are three scientists — a former deputy commander, a leading
anthrax scientist and a microbiologist — linked to the research
facility, known as USAMRIID.
is evidence that Al-Qaeda
DOES exist, as a loose idea or belief system, not an official
organization with a hierarchy of leadership, but clearly it has been a proxy
force of US elites' foreign policy.
The USgov has used proxy forces for decades, for covert and overt
military operations, with US funding, arming, training. This
minimizes the use of US troops and special forces as much as
possible. It's easier and cheaper to
As of 2009, estimates are that less than 100 Al-Qaeda members exist in
the area of Pakistan.
"Power of Nightmares" on this page or Google Video.
was a US/CIA proxy to provoke/fight
the Soviet Union. Various
Islamic radical groups like the Taliban and generic mujahideen were
covertly sponsored by the US to stamp out socialism and even
democratic independence from Washington in the Middle East.
threatens Wall Street's profits,
and profits of other global investors linked to Wall Street, such as US
and Western corps, but also the Saudis, Kuwaitis, Dubai, Turkish
investors, etc. Violent
radical Islamists are not only anti-social, they're anti-socialist!!! This is one
thing seen as good or useful about them.
Socialists, in truth, may not be anti-religion but are
anti-religious-authority. Islamists (some) and Christians (some)
crave religious authority as the only true authority.
They despise Liberty, Freedom, and the Western Enlightenment.
remained a US proxy.OBL
and Al-Qaeda and the Saudis and Israeli Mossad and Pakistani ISI have
been "in
bed" with the Pentagon, the Army, the CIA, the White House, British
Intell, and
the Bush family
for decades. Bin Laden's brother was Bush's first business
partner. Bush's lawyer was the Saudi's and Binladen's
lawyer too. This next part sounds anti-Clinton and it
is, but what is described here is BI-PARTISAN
policy continued by the Bush Jr. administration.
This paper will examine the Clinton
policy of giving the green light to Iranian arms shipments to the
Bosnian Muslims, with serious implications for the safety of U.S.
troops deployed there. Specifically, the balance of this paper will
examine in detail the three issues summarized below:
1. The Clinton Green Light to
Iranian Arms Shipments (page 3): In April 1994, President
Clinton gave the government of Croatia what has been described by
Congressional committees as a "green
light" for shipments of weapons from Iran and other Muslim countries to
the Muslim-led government of Bosnia. The policy was approved at
the urging of (then CIA Director-designate) NSC chief Anthony Lake and the U.S.
ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith.
The CIA and the Departments of State and Defense were kept in the dark
until after the decision was made.
2. The Militant Islamic Network (page
5): Along with the weapons, Iranian
Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence operatives entered
Bosnia in large numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin
("holy warriors") from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in the
effort were several other Muslim countries (including Brunei, Malaysia,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations. For
example, the role of one Sudan-based "humanitarian organization,"
called the Third World Relief Agency,
has been well-documented. The Clinton Administration's "hands-on"
involvement with the Islamic
network's arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S.
government officials.
3. The Radical Islamic Character
of the Sarajevo Regime (page 8): Underlying the Clinton
Administration's misguided green light policy is a complete misreading
of its main beneficiary, the Bosnian Muslim government of Alija
Izetbegovic. Rather than being the tolerant, multiethnic democratic
government it pretends to be, there is clear evidence that the ruling
circle of Izetbegovic's party, the Party of Democratic Action (SDA),
has long been guided by the principles
of radical Islam. This Islamist orientation is illustrated by
profiles of three important officials, including President Izetbegovic
himself; the progressive Islamization of the Bosnian army, including
creation of native Bosnian mujahedin units; credible claims that major
atrocities against civilians in Sarajevo were staged for propaganda
purposes by operatives of the Izetbegovic government; and suppression
of enemies, both non-Muslim and Muslim.
Qa'ida organization supports Moslem fighters in both Bosnia and Kosovo
Tropoje, the hometown and current base of former Albanian president
Sali Berisha, a major KLA patron, is also a known center for Islamic
terrorists connected with Saudi renegade Osama bin-Ladin.
The following reports note the presence of foreign mujahedin (i.e., Islamic holy
warriors) in the Kosovo war, some of them jihad veterans from Bosnia,
Chechnya, and Afghanistan. Some of the reports specifically cite assets
of Iran or bin-Ladin, or both, in support of the KLA. To some,
"mujahedin" does not necessarily equal "terrorists." But since the
foreign fighters have not been considerate enough to provide an
organizational chart detailing the exact relationship among the various
groups, the reported presence of foreign fighters together with known
terrorists in the KLA's stronghold at least raises serious questions
about the implications for the Clinton Administration's increasingly
close ties to the KLA
Srebrenica — a.k.a. ‘So what if we globalized al Qaeda!’Local PDF There
can be no peace or coexistence between 'the Islamic faith' and
non-Islamic social and political institutions.
Srebrenica Muslims "ravaged and ransacked neighbouring ethnic Serb
villages," continues Kliphuis, "killing and maiming the residents, who
were often too old to offer any resistance. — lying about
genocide to achieve it ---
The US
Administration claims that Osama bin Laden is behind
the tragic events of the 11th of September. A major war supposedly
"against international terrorism" has been launched, yet the evidence
amply confirms that agencies of the US government have since the Cold
War harbored the "Islamic Militant Network" as part of Washington's
foreign policy agenda. In a bitter irony, the US Air Force is
targeting the training camps established in the 1980s by the CIA.
The main justification for waging this war has been totally
fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and
consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military
adventure which affects our collective future.
The point
raised by Chossudovsky and others is that Al-Qaeda cannot be a longstanding paid
partner of the Pentagon/CIA and an outside enemy at
the same time.
brother is head of KLA-NLA forces in Kosovo.
Ironically, the KLA’s head of élite
forces, Muhammed al-Zawahiri,
is the brother of Ayman al-Zawahiri,
the military commander for Saudi-born terrorist leader, Osama bin
Laden. The US Clinton Administration has, of course, declared bin Laden
"public enemy number one" for his alleged involvement in the bombing of
the two US embassies in East Africa in 1998. And Ayman al-Zawahiri has
been implicated in the assassination attempt in 1995 against Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Little wonder that
numerous US policy analysts, even those who are hostile to Yugoslavia
as a basic stance, are extremely uncomfortable with the Clinton
Administration’s close ties with the KLA. There is no doubt that the involvement of the two brothers al-Zawahiri
in the two movements is not coincidental.
Ben Works, director of the Strategic Research Institute of the US,
noted: "There’s no doubt that bin
Laden’s people have been in Kosovo helping to arm, equip and train the
KLA. ... [T]he [US]
Administration’s policy in Kosovo is to help bin Laden. It almost seems
as if the Clinton Administration’s
policy is to guarantee more terrorism."
Now this next one is LaRouche, but
it seems to fit in with the United States Senate version above
Laden Puppetmasters Smoked Out In BalkansNovember 9, 2001-The mid-October revelations
that an Osama bin Laden terrorist training camp is operating in the U.S.-controlled
zone of Kosovo,
are only the tip of the iceberg.
NOTE: REPUBLICANS avoided mentioning their own scalding
ANTI-CLINTON info in the mainstream. Why? They
didn't want themselves to get burned. Republicans arranging the "Path to 9-11" documentary on
Clinton did not mention this
as Treason,
only accused Clinton of incompetence and timidity, plus being a pervert
and liar.
Bush unilaterally granted Kosovo independent statehood in 2008,
longstanding post-war European treaties.
a pro-Zionist pro-Israel Muslim interviewed by pro-Israel "Instapundit"
and featured on Front Page Mag criticizes Bush for inviting Saudi Crown Prince
to his Texas ranch after 9-11, for calling him an ally in the struggle
against terror. "Now, that man is - from the very beginning - the real mastermind behind al-Qa'idah,
and the one who used al-Qa'idah to hospitalize King Fahd and to become
the de facto ruler of the country. That is like inviting the Emperor of
Japan after Pearl Harbor, and telling him, 'You are our ally in the
struggle against Nazi-Fascism.'"
A very long article about disinformation, for people
already familiar with
Dr. Michel Chossudovsky explains the
Geo-Politics behind the whole situation. DO NOT attempt to
watch or listen to Chossudovsky without a decent attention span.
He can seem like a BORING
lecturer. Not boring to me! But he's
a slow-talking academic. He
might remind you of Noam Chomsky. He's an economist. He's
damn good at explaining this.
has been severely whitewashed. School NEVER taught about Wall
Street support for the Nazis (really almost
'creating' them) and the attempted
Fascist coup in America in 1933by
Wall Street bankers attempting to hire a private proxy army, exposed
by Marine Commandant
Gen. Smedley Butler, then whitewashed by Congressional hearings. This
was the same year Hitler seized power. How is THAT controversy not a significant
school lesson? If we don't even know about that, what else are are not
Hitler and the
were a US proxy to attack the USSR, sponsored by Sullivan and
Cromwell law firm and other major, famous US corporations, and some in
the US govt, though not 'official policy'. Wall
Street bankers were
acting as a "rogue" and "underground" foreign
policy vehicle for
their version of capitalism via theft, before they formed the CIA and
gave themselves "legal authority" for their illegal acts.
South Vietnam govt
was a
proxy for US interests in Asia. Eisenhower said 80% of Vietnamese
would have
voted for Ho Chi Minh (with a Constitution
similar to America's), so
Washington cancelled elections in Vietnam and created an opposition
forces of South Korea
were fascist military dictators, a US proxy, working with Japanese and
Taiwan fascists who were re-organized by Washington after Japan's
Colombia's govt
& paramilitary are a US
mil proxy, WaPo finally admitted they are the source of cocaine, not
stopping cocaine. Contras
in Nicaragua(including
Honduran mercenaries) were Bush's and Ollie North's coke-funded
Hundreds of thousands, in the millions overall, were killed in Latin
America by US proxies working for/with CIA. Indians were
killable, considered "natural communists". Sure, after their land
was continually seized by European invaders, they tended to be
"communist" in thought.
is a group that organizes proxy forces to fight "communism" (poor
people), constructed out of a global fascist post-WW2
underground. Their US home is at
The Heritage Foundation. Al-Qaeda has been called a Middle East branch
of the World Anti-Communist Leage, a WACL
Hungarian Uprising was staged by the CIA, by Cord Meyer.
Meyer also formed
the "communist" World Federation. Similar deal with the "Color
Revolutions" in Eastern Europe in the 1990s. Iran in 2009 and
Honduras in 2009 were both classic "Color Revolutions", as
well as attempts to subvert Venezuela. Saddam Hussein was a CIA proxy,
going back to the late 1950s, to kill liberals and to topple/kill Gen
Qassem, who had the gall to declare neutrality
with the USSR and re-open diplomatic relations. Bad Qassem!
Yer dead.
Mossadegh in Iran was
overthrown using a street proxy group organized by Kermit Roosevelt
with $10,000 from the CIA, installing the Shah and SAVAK, who were basically US and
Israeli proxy forces. Cheapest coup in history, at that
time. This was followed up by overthrowing the elected President
of Guatemala who attempted to expropriate unused land previously given
to United Fruit Company, which had deep White House connections.
is CURRENTLY indirectly paying Fatah-al-Islam
in Lebanon, according to Seymour Hersh (below).
is arguably a US proxy, although a very embedded one. Israel has
400+ nukes, the US has 10,000+ nukes, and a vastly, immensely larger
budget. Israel's Mossad
(Intell) was formed with help of Angleton
of the CIA in 1951.
Mossad and CIA have conducted many joint operations over the years,
including arming and training death squads in Latin America.
Arabia's and Pakistan's
govt and specifically Intelligence were known and admitted proxies for
manufacturing the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, on behalf of the CIA.
Al-Qaeda is outsourced
terrorism, outsourced US policy,
really a variety of small groups referrred to by
that name, but
often blamed on Muslims as a WHOLE, as an excuse for war for a "New
American Century" of global control by US/global elites. Most Al-Qaeda
foot soldiers probably think they're really fighting for
Islam, don't know their role for the West, no more than patriotic
American soldiers realize how they are being used, or for what
purposes. The alleged "Al-Qaeda" hijackers were mostly NOT
religious, but rather they were described as party boys.
absolutely VITAL as the
9-11 attacks were to US policy, I say the
alleged hijackers were like "extras" on a movie set, props, leaving a
witness trail and paper trail all across the USA, charging up credit
cards and making a scene at strip bars. The actual attacks
were most likely carried out using remote-control flight technology,
which worked
successfully since the 80s. That's
what I would do if I were a ruthless Neo-Con believing that Sept 11 was
VITAL to continued US hegemony.
Why would the
neocons/trilateralists/CIA trust
some secular or even religious Arabs to actually commit suicide,
however they might have been duped into participating. These
Arabs would
have had to give up on future holy Islamic lap dances by hottie
strippers in Florida
after going through that big fireball. No more holy Islamic
cocaine parties. What if the alleged terrorists chickened
out? That would mean a failure for the big plan. No
9-11 = No big 9-11 production on TV = No grief and
horror, no grandstanding = No solution to "Vietnam Syndrome"
aka reticence to wage wars. Therefore,
no "War on Terror" for US
J Edgar
Hoover to FBI field offices laid out the goals of the COINTELPRO
in the 60's - to neutralize dissident organizations and to "ridicule
and discredit"
political dissenters. local copy
These tactics included targeted
murders as well as public ridicule and propaganda.
first lesson in activism is that the person that offers to get the dynamite is always the FBI
joked Judi Bari.
Bari laughingly called this, "the only joint
FBI-Earth First! action ever to take place." Undercover FBI
agents picked the target, drove the truck, and taught the activists to
use an acetylene torch.
The FBI paid their informant $54,000
cash in
exchange for implicating the Earth First-ers, and granted him immunity
from prosecution.
Later, Bari's car
blew up, and the FBI
arrived immediately at her
hospital bed to arrest her for blowing herself up. In the
meantime, Bari and her friends had not been practicing with
explosives, but the FBI had
been blowing up cars, practicing on property owned by the lumber
company they were protesting. (The lumber company had been bought
from decent private owners by a man named Hurwitz who made a fortune on
government bailouts of the Savings and Loans in the 80s and 90s.
The original owners managed forest resources, the new owner was
stripping out the ancient Redwood forests.)
CIA Death Squads
What would stop them from doing here what they've done for decades there?
WHAT DOES NOT MATTER ABOUT SEPT 11. There is MUCH to say about the rational GEOPOLITICS
and ECONOMICS behind 9-11 and the War on Terror.
It was pre-planned and foretold, in writing. No mystery. No
wondering. No shit.
of mechanical evidence plays
perfectly into Popular Mechanics'
hit piece.
In the world of
PUBLIC RELATIONS, who ya gonna believe --
Popular Mechanics and NIST and the 9-11 Commission --
or some tinfoil hat guys and a few rogue scientists?
Most of the "anti-Conspiracy" talk, on both the Mainstream Right and
"responsible Left", leverages the use of ridicule and derision.
But many of the ideas coming out of "9-11 Truth" circles are
ridiculous and contradictory.
Some of the lecturers do extremely goofy things in public.
to popular
belief, the Left has been far more opposed to a conspiracy view of 9-11
than Conservatives.
Leading politcal icons -- who must
know better -- dismiss 9-11-as-conspiracy
at first glance. Chomsky. Cockburn. Berlet. Corn.
It would be nice if conspiracy itself
could simply be ridiculed as impossible, if Man never conspired.
But men do conspire.
The Bible is chock full of conspiracies, including the story of Jesus
and Judas.
So is politics, such as we read about in Rome.
Conspiracy is one of the most
charges raised by US prosecutors.
Conspiracy means communicating
with others
about a plan to commit a crime, any crime.
Conspiracy charges have been applied for
answering the phone over a narco deal.
It would be nice if leaders didn't conspire
to fool us with a Gulf
of Tonkin incident that they knew
never happened.
It would be nice if Operation Gladio
never happened and if nobody ever conspired on Operation Northwoods.
It would be nice
if the Church Committee
never exposed CIA editorial control over the media.
It would be nice
if Iran-Contra,
a deep
and nasty conspiracy, even preceding
Reagan's election, never happened.
(It would also be nice if Bush Sr. had not
pardoned all those
It would be nice
if BCCI -- "The
International Bank of Al-Qaeda" -- had never been created by ex-CIA.
It would be nice if top Wall Street
bankers, lawyers, and corporate
heads never backed the Nazis.
It would be nice if Washington had never created Al-Qaeda, and continued
to work with them.
What 9-11 is NOT about:
Bush - it's not the argument that "Bush
Nor Cheney. Nor Rumsfeld. All
almost certainly DID know. Many things could not have
happened without their input.
Cheney's entire Vice-Presidency is a conspiracy in motion.
His energy meetings are held in secret, and the minutes were kept
The office of the Veep is off-limits, even Bush's Executive orders
don't apply to him.
He says he is not
part of the
Executive Branch, because he's over the House.
Yet he's not part of the House either.
Later he says he is 100% unified with the the Presidency, as the same
He can morph roles into whatever is practical at the moment.
But Iraq and 9-11
are both part of a military-political process that preceded Bush.
It is Global, not just National. The G8 or G20 nations and
covert groups were
on this train of Tension.
Other govts - esp Canada, Britain, Germany
- implemented their own
Terrorism Security Measures, immediately.
These had also been pre-written, just as
the PATRIOT Act and the rest
had been pre-planned.
"Intelligence partnerships" were announced
-- really, these already
existed too.
Clinton definitely helped set it up, he was
on that track. This
is no empty statement. Bush's 1999 speeches
at the Citadel and Reagan Library foreshadowed the War on Terror.
Bush's speeches meshed perfectly with PNAC documents and
agenda for global war.
This PNAC agenda became
the Blueprint for the Bush Doctrine and the so-called War on Terror.
Much of the Bush cabinet was made up of PNAC
members and associates, some hired/pardoned by Bush 41.
(They picked "W" to be their
figurehead President. That's how a corporate military state works.)
It's no longer about voting --- how
many tens of thousands of dollars did you raise for
None? Well, then ... what representation do you expect to
have? Nothing. You get what you pay for.
How many lucrative jobs and contracts did you offer to
public officials
and their friends? None?
Why do you expect representation? For
you vote? Ha
ha. The machines are rigged and privatized. They
don't even need your vote. They do need
our belief in the
democratic process. Project for a New American Century
was only one
of many embedded policy
groups that
said they NEEDED America to be attacked.
It's much bigger and deeper, many players,
domestic and international.
Sept 11
viewpoints first became
prominent with RIGHTwing Christian Conservatives
and the Patriot movements.
These were Clinton-haters long before they were
Bush-haters, some
for the right
reasons, including Clintons
being "in
bed" with the Bush family.
High-level Clinton criminality around Iran-Contra-Ollie
North-Cocaine was first exposed by Left-wing activists and an article
in The Progressive, long
Jerry Falwell's
"Clinton Chronicles".
The mainstream Right rejects Sept 11 because the MEDIA says it's a
"liberal" thing, like "M. Moore" and "Rosie".
The mainstream Left rejects Sept 11 because the MEDIA says it's a "far
right" thing like "Holocaust Revisionists".
The mainstream Right accuses PALEO-CONSERVATIVES of being "liberals" if
they oppose Bush, War, and the "New World Order".
LIBERALS reject Sept 11 conspiracy research BECAUSE IT'S ASSOCIATED
WITH THE FAR RIGHT and their history of kooky conspiracy theories
emanating from John Birch Society
circles and Joseph McCarthy's
witchhunts, that
tried to link 60's mainstream liberalism and antiwar activism to
communism and
The book, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics" was written about
FAR RIGHT Patriot conspiracy theories over-hyping the threat of
communism and communists embedded in Washington. John Birch Society even
accused President
Eisenhower of being a closet commie. The Paranoid Right strongly considered JFK a commie, despite his Cold War
fanaticism in Cuba and Vietnam. They blamed him for not nuking
(JFK, shortly before he was killed, did shift from belligerent
anti-communism to rapproachment, to avoid a nuclear holocaust.
The Right of either party considers that appeasement and treason,
including Nixon's Detente efforts.)
But besides the Far Right 9-11 Truthers, there's also a few LEFT
of Liberal who have
burrowed into the history and geo-politics with a lot of detail. from a
anti-Imperialist perspective.
When persons with a kooky
presentation style associate themselves with a serious political
analysis of
11, "normal" people are driven away by gut instinct.
Dave Emory refers to something he calls "bad-jacketing" like
That's exactly how modern
symbolic marketing works -- like associating a product with sex or love
-- except in reverse,
associating something you want rejected with something or someone
detestable .
How do people feel about 9-11
questions after hearing from "Truthers" through a love-drenched
hippie of the "911-yoga movement" or from sneering Jew-haters?
Repulsed, usually. This
approach serves as a truth-repellant,
no further explanation needed.
Some "Truthers" may be ordinary
kooks who gravitate to any weird story, but some may have serious ulterior motives in
negative public relations, such as being on payroll of
Rumsfeld's Dept of Disinformation.
Discrediting a movement by discrediting a leader, or by manufacturing a
discredited leader, that's an old technique used in the 60s against
This is exactly what I'd
do if I were using CIA's "Operation Mockingbird" techniques. No need to suppress the
truth. If you hide a crime, it can be exposed. Instead, let it be exposed, just
marginalize it.
Hide it in plain sight. Offer multiple whacko versions of "the
truth about ..." like a smorgasbord of whackiness. The public
will never be able to decide or agree.
Why Sept 11
is still important
chickenshit antiwar movement -- if you're not with it yet, you might
want to oppose
war after you read
this page -- seems to promote this idea that Sept 11 is a fringe subject.
They think
this issue should be sidelined.
Lefties actually suggested assigning visiting "Truthers" a job stuffing
to keep them occupied.
antiwar activists realize the entire
war pretext is based on and grounded in Sept 11?? Don't they
realize that the ultimate closing answer to any antiwar argument ISSept 11Sept 11Sept 11?
Spoken or unspoken? Permanent war? If you are unwilling to
comprehensively reject the Sept 11 meme, you might as well join Freedom
Watch or Rolling Thunder.
They seem to
think antiwar sentiment about
the victims of war
will convince others who believe foremost "sacrifice to defend America from
Al-Qaeda", or at least promote the sacrifice of others.
can't understand why anyone would be stupid
enough to oppose self-defense against monstrous killers. One can
understand their viewpoint, "considering what happened on September 11".
If you accept the "19
Terrorists led by Bin Laden attacked us" whacko conspiracy theory,
you just surrendered most of your argument against the "War on Terror"
and domestic Police State. You must admit you are a traitor who
America if you don't want to attack the "bad guys" who attacked us, or
at least "kill them there so we don't have to fight them here".
This is a repeat of the Vietnam argument, commies were swimming from
Hanoi to Los Angeles.
And don't decry justified aggression and say "try peace". Kill
the enemy who wants to kill you.
The problem is if the enemy is really a handful of neocons who are
actually directing the war.
The argument that "our actions caused 9-11" sounds "humanitarian" and
so it will persuade a few "flaky" people (or open-minded
intelligent people)
who know about
America's harsh
repression and violence in other countries, and who also care
about the lives of strangers and foreigners. It will not work on
those who say "Look how many
times THEY
attacked us".
is about 9-11 ... forever!
There was a potential energy for liberation and social revoution if
the totally-FABRICATED Gulf of Tonkin incident had been exposed in
1964, because Lyndon Johnson and everyone around him and the media
helped fabricate that story, including one Admiral Morrison who is the
father of Jim Morrison of The Doors. Johnson needed our ships to
be attacked to get a Congress to send military troops.
truth about Sept 11 has even more
potential power for Mass
Liberation, because the crimes of Sept 11 were so
much more nasty and evil, mass murder of 3000 Americans.
The same inherent social and political power within the Sept 11 events
-- the power THEY KNEW WOULD BE THERE IN A NEW PEARL HARBOR -- can be turned against the perpetrators,
who are bigger than Bush. This can erase forever the crippling
fairy tale naïveté Americans live under. Are we ready
for that? Or do we still enjoy pretending and playing
make-believe patriots for a bunch of homocidal traitors?
We need to -
war for 100+ years into the future,
slated to end NEVER.
is based
off Sept 11. This must be derailed.
say 9-11 is
important, and reference it loudly or by assumption - and the
Establisment "Liberals" (ill-liberals?) agree. How can Americans
resist war while accepting it's false justification?
Do you remember the ridiculous "Have you forgotten?" theme (meme, i.e.
thought-virus) that emerged immediately,
while the ground
was still smoldering, to shame pacifists, silence
critics, and shame skeptics?
can counter our gullibility
and prevent war, promote rational skepticism.
to The Daily Show and Jon Stewart) (Irrational/ridiculous
skepticism is another PR trick to discredit all skeptics.)
c] enhance the ability for ordinary people to SIMPLY and CREDIBLY
debunk Sept 11. This may help people reject passive support for
plans of the
complex. Credibility is
more important than a smorgasbord of valid details. Even if
they think Bush's "War
on Terrorism" is overblown,
or agree with critics that it is a war on a tactic(guerilla
warfare/terrorism), most people still
believe that
the general
of "terrorism by Al-Qaeda" is genuine. This keeps
scared, angry, divided, fighting over reality. (Did you know
the FBI
Wanted poster for OBL does not include Sept 11? Insufficient
evidence, per the FBI.)
d] increase the possibility of "monkeywrenching" the march to
corporate-state tyranny by loudly rejecting the premise behind the
state" (i.e. police
state). They need our compliance.
A new "Official"
9-11 investigation to solve it? Don't hold your breath. It's already solved. Maybe not
every last detail, but close enough. Even prosecutors don't need every detail, just a
sufficient number of details to convict. Many of
us know
what didnot happen and lots about
what did, but 9-11
will never be honestly exposed in any official national
By whom? Who in power in Washington is not complicit in some
The guilty will never be brought to justice,
unless our current system is overhauled or overturned. Unless
We-the-People get
the same page and decide to overthrow the existing power relations, and not just the official government,
all the assorted henchmen have all the power and protection they
need. The
Power Elite needed Bush
and the Neo-Conservatives to be occupying the head PR position in the
United States. Bush bought
100,000 acres in Paraguay, a
typical Nazi hideaway in Latin America. A land investment or a
"safe house"?
The real question is where to start.
Let's start with a framework of understanding, before more juicy details. GLOBALIZATION
(I wrote this section before the economic collapse of
2007, 2008, and 2009 and
This should be a no-brainer. Everything is about interlinking global
corporations now.
Analyst Thomas Barnett confirms that
the "War on Terror" is really about globalization and planting Walmarts
and McDonalds all over the world, complete with finance capitalism and
heavy worldwide DEBT, as well as the global equivalent of Maquiladora labor
camps. Henry
Kissinger, who was a key background player on Bush's war team also
told Charlie
Rose that the
War on Terror is really a war for Globalization.
corporation is essentially a government
agency. PDF e-book Gangs of America Every
corporation is a mere company
but the owners have chosen to partner with
government for legal protection
and for oursourcing risk on the public,
that's what incorporation
means in US corporate law.
Corporate Law is a legal structure set up by lawyers and judges, to
give corporations the Bill of Rights, hence tyranny.
Ditto for evasion of Corporate Taxes, evasion of personal
If you look back on past American wars,
were ALL for Corporate Globalization,
long before there was Jewish influence in America (other than
capitalism being "Jew-inspired"). President McKinley even
said so about the Spanish American War. It as a war to "open up
markets". So were wars and many occupations in Central and South
America, from the earliest beginnings of America on through
By the way,
not about "liberals hate corporations". Every corporation is a quasi-government
It's not simply a "large company". Someone could incorporate a
lemonade stand.
The point is, it's a contract or "charter"
that a
company takes, via a relationship and agreements with government, for protection against personal liability,
elimination or limitation
of personal responsibility.
Yet at the same time, every US corporation is considered a
due "equal protection"under the the 14th Amendment in the sense of
"civil liberties". This gives corporations far more
power than human beings.
summarize a long point, in the
complex, the heads of many of the largest corporations and
conglomerates include former
military intelligence officers, bankers, and former/future govt
appointees. Most govt. appointees are not lifetime politicians,
they're corporate officers, chiefs, lawyers, bankers. The Central
Intelligence Agency, has a sideline in collecting information,
but 80% of the CIA is for covert ops, according to retired
agents, CIA's directors are
typically Wall Street bankers and lawyers, not military intelligence.
financial shit is interlocked and layered, with subsidiaries and shells
and cross-linking. Corporate CEOs, lawyers, and bankers run the
government. Govt officials offer support and protection for
multi-national corporations. It's a
revolving door. Why would a country based on a system of govt
called "capitalism" be any different? *(did you think I was going
to say "democracy" or a "republic"? no our system of govt is "for sale")
Schoenman: And while it is true as
again like to point out, that history
is not driven by conspiracies. It’s
structured, it’s institutional, it’s systemic and it’s systematic
– but our rulers conduct their affairs in a
conspiratorial manner
precisely because they are not answerable to our people, because their
power is concealed.
is not registered through formal representative
institutions that
empty of content. Power is not exercised
those means.
Townsend, former CEO of Avis, wrote a critical guide
for successful corporations
called "Up the Organization". He mentioned that a mere 5000
control the "commanding
heights" of the US economy,
and that this
ruling elite "regard
this country as their own whore house and they
treat each president as their private towel boy."So
there ya go.
never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence
Agency back in '47, if I had known it would become the American
Gestapo. " --
Harry S Truman (1961) (leaders always seem to leave us
these neat warnings after they've
left office)
don't read." Allen Dulles,
who was previously fired as
CIA Director by JFK, appointed to lead
Commission by Johnson: "But
nobody reads. Don't
believe people read in this country. There will be a few professors
that will read the record...The public will read very little."
(September 6, 1964, Warren Commission internal memo)
intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy." - Allen
there you have it. A starting point. A framework of understanding.
A light overview of Global Corporatism, a.k.a. the New World Order.
Anti-Globalization explanations, Protests, Military Police below
MORE (same link as above): Sell
the Lexus, Burn the Olive Tree.
Speaking of corporations
and business, this is not "proof" but some astonishing coincidences: The Saudi-BinLaden Group does a lot of
construction and military work, close to the Bush family and US
corporations. Guess
what DATE their Internet domain www.saudi-binladin-group.comexpired. Check it
Probably just a
coincidence. The new site is
There are numerous examples of known terrorists being connected with
officials in the Saudi govt. Yet when a Saudi dissident offered
the FBI over 14,000 documents before Sept 11, his offer was
rejected. A top Bush lawyer and
others protected the
Saudis. Saudi Arabia itself was essentially "created by the CIA",
by bankers and oil companies.
This is only the tip of the iceberg of US collaboration with the very
same violent Islamic radical jihadist groups and cells that they are
claiming to protect us from, including the FBI and CIA rejecting
information handed to them, looking away at key moments, disciplining FBI agents
for tracking terrorism links, and joint banking and govt relations
with shadowy corporations like Ptech,
charities, and other front groups.
chunks of 9-11 seem to have been orchestrated by "proxy groups", which
is similar to saying "subsidiaries" of the USgov, which is similar to
saying "US business" and/or global business.
more of this juicy info on the Saudis and the US govt and covering up
terrorists, and corporate shells, and more longer explanations
Here's a brief list of other facts
and situations that prove that Sept 11 is not what we were told:
The 1993 bombing is a
known and admitted inside job by FBI.
Oklahoma City bombing is known to have included other suspects with
govt protection, the News reported multiple explosions and multiple
bombs found inside the building, and a
top Army General (Partin) with 30 years' experience in explosives
showed why it was not
done by a truck bomb alone.
instances of key terrorists and operations protected and sheltered from
law enforcement, prosecution, exposure, both before and after.
of evidence, of both prior investigations and of various attacks,
including Sept 11. Able Danger, for one, where a huge database of
terrorism investigations was ordered erased and was wiped out.
According to one investigator, Feds working with Jeb Bush seized all
the records of the Venice, Florida police dept, near where the alleged
hijackers trained. (Jeb
Bush past roles.)
key Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders during US military operations in the
War on Terror. Airlift of Evil and other events.
Saudi's attorney, a high US official close to the Bush family,
protected Saudis from a victims' lawsuit, from legal snooping.
The use of Al-Qaeda
as a US proxy force, not only in Afghanistan, but on-going through the
late 90's, through 2001, and beyond.
of suggestions or pre-planning of "creating a terrorist threat" in
America, long before Sept 11, following the fall of the USSR and the
end of the Cold War, by the same people who heavily hyped the looming
Soviet threat in the 1980's and earlier decades.
Evidence that the
Cold War itself was a vastly overhyped threat against an economic
rival, that became military
People openly
suggesting the NEED for a "terrorist attack" on the American people,
prior to Sept 11.
of many other allied govts or Intelligence agencies, in collusion with
the US military and Intell, in sponsoring terrorist attacks on either
targeted people or groups, or sometimes random people, for political
Multiple instances of
terror bombings carried out in the past, by CIA, NATO, and affiliates,
both in Europe and the Middle East.
Detailed plans for
use of terror bombings in the US by military and govt officials, to
spark a war.
use of "terror provocations" to justify "revenge", and to raise
"revenge" to a "high moral value", described in the diary of a past
Israeli Prime Minister, Moshe Sherrat. Israel's Sacred Terrorism
individuals, groups, and corporations "in bed" with members of the US
and harassment of whistleblowers, as well as some mysterious deaths,
similar to how about 100 people with information on the JFK
assassination were
also killed or found dead. This would include FBI agents like John
O'Neill, who was repeatedly obstructed, then killed on 9-11.
in the Mainstream Media in lying directly about events, and of
obscuring obvious examples of red flag events, under-reporting.
From the Rodney King riots to unannounced
"training" exercises over American cities,
the US military is being trained to turn the United States into a
By Frank Morales (most
detailed article of actual Pentagon plans by name and title)
Fury" is the pseudonym of this former Army major who led the secret Delta
Force mission to try to kill Osama
bin Laden nine weeks after 9/11. He
was twice ordered to NOT kill Bin
Laden by high US officials, up to Rumsfeld, Cheney, or Bush.
All about the War
on Terror and Iraq War
by Aaron MacGruder of
Much profanity, voice is the Samuel
Jackson, using lines from "Pulp Fiction" in new context, remarks by
Donald Rumsfeld.
is on your side"
- A
pep talk to Al-Qaeda
(↓↓ watch ↓↓) One Degree of
Separation between the generic "Islamic mujahideen" warriors, the
Taliban and United Front (two US proxies), and Saudi-based Al-Qaeda, in
terms of CIA
support for all of them.
One-Page quickie Five Pages Q & A DEBATE
- list why War on Terror is bogus
Loose Change is one example tainted
and kooky info about 9-11, showing both legit and fake info.
partly take that back. The new version of Loose Change seems to
be much better.
Loose Change is not Geo-politics, but the better stuff is in there, and
the horrid stuff removed.
They could have expanded a bit more on Northwoods and other false-flag
planned events.
Try here:
Some of the most comprehensive sites on physical evidence
regarding 9-11.
Google wtc7 hoffman or go to
American politicians from Brzezinski/Carter to Reagan
and Clinton and even
Radical Jihadists on behalf of US policy, then turned and accused these
allies of being enemies, at the same time as they were on
payroll. Yet the main guys, like Osama, remain fugitives. A Delta Force commander was ordered to NOT Kill
Bin Laden.
argument that the global octopus
known as CIA
could not have done this, but rag-tag terrorists with boxcutters scored
4 out of 4, is simply laughable.
intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy." - Allen
The "Al-Qaeda Ministry" of Osama Bin Laden and Ayman
is like the shadowy "Christian Broadcasting Network
of the Muslim World", both with acknowledged
CIA connections and a history of terror operations. The studios
from which Al-Qaeda broadcasts their
announcements certainly appear to be of CBN quality, at least, and as
into demagoguery as Pat Robertson and his gang.
Incidentally, Ayman Zawahiri's brother
Zaiman or Muhammed is the General leading the US-backed KLA-NLA army in
Kosovo and Macedonia.
underreported scandal is the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
(Moonies) in supporting the Rise
of the Christian Right in America.
This would lead one to wonder how Christians can get in bed with a guy
who says HE is the True Father and replacement for Jesus-the-failure.
Moon gave $3.5 million to Jerry Falwell (and reportedly $77M more via
front group). Moon has $4B in assets. Moon shares membership in
the Council on National Policy, Moon
heavily backs the Republican Party and the Bush family. Moon
has a somewhat successful campaign to remove the Cross from churches
and replace Jesus-the-fraud with himself as the new
King of Peace.
was crowned Emperor of the Universe in a ceremony in the US Senate.
Further, Moon's ownership of the Washington Times, the entire wholesale
Sushi market in the US, and his links to Korean CIA and Korean-Japanese
fascist groups that emerged out of World War Two, all contribute to his
wealth and power. One such group is the
World Anti-Communist League, headquartered inside the Heritage
Foundation. Heritage also backed the Afghanistan (Mujahideen)
Lobby in
the 1980s, with
support from the Christian Coalition. Seriously. Daddy
Bush and Moon are next door neighbors in Paraguay.
Moon owns about 1.5 million acres while daddy owns a tiny 150,000 acre.
How appropriate for them to be hanging out in such a Nazi
stronghold. Google
Rev Moon and Bush for more info, or search
Moon Bush or Moon
Senate on
Moon channeled Hitler and Stalin from the grave, they proclaimed him
"humanity's savior and messiah, returning lord, and true
parent", he called America“Satan’s harvest” and likened American women
“prostitutes”. Moon married his son's corpse to one of his
disciples. Deeply Christian, huh? The King of America 1The King of
America 2 Moon's church given $300k by Homeland Security!!!
Lost in endless
volleys about the WTC7 collapse,
and what Larry
Silverstein might have reallymeant by
"pull it", is the
story about A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard who worked for DeutscheBank-A.B. Brown, a firm
which was accused of handling a
huge spike in shorting of stock on AA and United, put options ("bets" that these
stocks would fall) 1-3 days prior to 9-11.
The WSJ reported it.Congress
and the DoJ declined to
Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT)
Krongard was appointed
by DCI George
Tenet on March 16, 2001
to serve in the newly created role
of Executive
Director of the CIA.
Krongard later
advocated amnesty
for Bin Laden, and Bush
agreed that Bin Laden is
not too important.
What are the odds?
"Buzzy" consults for Blackwater, while his
brother Howard "Cookie" Krongard was appointed Inspector General
over at the State Department, obstructing the investigation
into Blackwater.
On Sept 15,
2001, The New York
reports that Mayo Shattuck III has
resigned, effective immediately, as head of the Alex
Brown (A.B.) unit of Deutschebank previously run by Buzzy Krongard.
to satisfy visiting anti-Semites,
I do
agree that there is much
evidence of Zionist collaboration
with Nazis against Euro Jews, and
about Israel and Sept 11.
Fox News
reporter Carl
Cameron did a 4 part special on Israel and 9-11, but Mossad did
"trick" the CIA and NSC and NORAD.
Look at Clean
Break strategy, formed in Israel in 1997. The plan to attack and
shatter the Middle East.
Fascism is fascism, regardless of race, religion, or
nationality. Zionist
Nationalism can be as ugly as any other form of
ultra-nationalism andsuper-patriotism.
I'm not of the opinion that Zionism or Israel was the leader of Sept 11
and the War on Terror. The impetus for invading the Middle East
and overthrowing Iraq for US hegemonly was previously promoted by NON-Zionist elements,
such as Zbigniew Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard", George
Kennan's statements on the Middle East being "the prize", an
Englishman's argument about the "Earth Island", and various other plans
to control the Middle East. Only to the extent that you consider
capitalism --- and finance
capitalism in particular --- to be "Jewish economics", would you
consider a war for globalization to be purely
The 9-11 Debate is leaving Tinfoil Hat
World, as more and
more military
and scientific people are speaking out.
It's hard to explain concretely what each physical anomaly alone proves, but what are
the odds of ALL these events converging? This is just the TIP of
the iceberg of U.S. complicity in 9-11. It helps to
know that not only Sept 11, but JFK
and RFK, MLK,
of Tonkin, andmany
other events in U.S. history were tainted
by extraneous facts,
destruction of evidence, eyewitnesses threatened and killed, "no
finger-pointing" orders(Cabell in 63, Goss in 2001), etc. Note: many good Americans and even war heroes going
back to 1791 were
branded "terrorists" and "insurrectionists" for dissenting
about injustice.
for most everyone including most AMERICANS), and THE ELITES'
CONTROL. This control is being rolled out, through psychological
warfare (fear and propaganda), but also partly through legislation
and actual police state deeds(below).
Pentagon says the point of the War on Terror is "globalization". SEPT 11 WAS PLANNED
PURPOSE, along with previousacts
of terrorism in the U.S., which were ALSO CARRIED OUT by a Global INTELLIGENCE
network. Although some incidents used Arab patsies, CIA black ops has
tentacles deep in international Intell. The
lines between intell vs. organized
crime have
long been blurred.
Esp. considering the role of Nazis in forming CIA.
There's been a lot of
talk about the "Blame
America First" crowd. I think "blame America
first" is a pun on the name of
the original
"America First Committee" which had strong
crossover with the pro-Hitler movement in America
and with the American Nazi Party.They wanted to overthrow the
American government. They didn't hate America, per se. They hated our
FREEDOM and democracy, and everything America stands for, which they
considered being patriotic.
Although some like Pat
Buchanan defend them as mere patriotic
anti-comms, one prominent member spoke of "good Old Hitler"
and worse. (There's a huge
difference btw being antiwar with regards to Iraq vs. Nazi
Germany. Many antiwar people in the 1940's - some were
genuine pacifists and CO's - were avidly pro-Nazi.
People against this "War on Terror" want to stopALL fascism, including
our Al-Qaeda Project, also including the White House, Pentagon, and
Some person named "Cadeveo"
said: "Occam’s
Razor simply says that in
choosing between explanations, one
should prefer the simplest onethat
accounts for all the data. And here’s the thing, often the folks
who evoke O.R. most often and mechanically go for the first half of the
razor – simplest explanation – without
really remembering the second part of O.R. It’s just “simpler”
put your blinders on and ignore all the evidence that facile
pseudo-rationalism of the James Randi kind is uncomfortable with, so
explanations can remain “simple.” Here’s the other thing, too – O.R.
prescribes (and
by no real axiomatic authority) for a “preference” in explanations; it
makes no claim about a simpler explanation being a more accurate or
truthful one. How you use
Occam's Razor depends on what data your reality tunnel allows
for and
what data it is incapable of perceiving as such."
Only ONE key fact
leads me to ask whether Sept 11 might
NOT have
been an inside job.
This the matter of the deaths of 658
employees of Cantor-Fitzgerald, with
Marsh-McClennan US losing 300, Morgan-Stanley losing about 40, and
Merrill-Lynch losing "virtually
none". Cantor
Fitzgerald is
one of 23 primary dealers who are permitted to trade
U.S. government securities directly
with the Federal Reserve
Bank of New
York. Not your average expendable
cannon fodder humans. C-F also interfaces with the Pentagon
to plan wars. It
is not
the human loss of over 3000
innocent dead victims and many permanently injuredthat leads
me to question this "inside job" premise (so what?!!
Johnson and
Nixon killed 58,000 Americans in Vietnam [plus 4 million Asians], under
that Gulf of
Tonkin was a lie)but rather it
is the deaths of so many high-level
market and money analysts--
this is the main or
maybe the onlyfactor that
leads me to doubt a
9-11 conspiracy. further discussion here
Here's a video
by four widows, three husbands worked for This
is the BEST
'conservative' (i.e. understated)
documentary I've seen. Nothing
questionable. Sad
to say, I guess their high-level
husbands' lives
were considered expendable by the Elites, who needed them for political
The rest of
this website
is about all the other factors,
which strongly confirm a
conspiracy. This
includes well-documented evidence of manypreviousconspiracies
to murder Americans for
political purposes, and killing other random civilians, some
clearly were enacted, some
modified, some arguably in draft
planning stages. (A written,
signed plan like Operation Northwoods IS
a murder
conspiracy, and high treason as well, even though McNamara
and JFK
blocked them from unleashing it in 1962-3.)
A little more BACKGROUND here
.............or move on to more 9-11 EVIDENCE below.
Let's face facts on how the Elite
Rulers see us - as "the rabble" and "a mob".
THEY are
Wise, Intelligent Elites. THEY have no
use for morality which is silly
and a barrier to taking decisive (brutal) action, and they
consider religion a pious fraud, but useful for
manipulation. WE are
VULGAR and STUPID SCUM and MORONS. This is the
neo-Conservative viewpoint, but "liberal" elitists like Brzezinski
of Rockefeller's Tri-Lateral Commission echo that same view with more
tactful or more evasive rhetoric.
need to keep
us stupid and
confused. LYING
is an important part of leadership.
and Happinessfor
"the masses" amounts to "Vulgar
Decadence", in their worldview. What happened to "Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of Happiness", in the Declaration of Independence?Painand Griefand Human
Sacrifice (to benefit their rule) is Heroic
and makes "us" strong.
That's why WAR is GOOD
and natural, because of how
war and militarization affects
society. Even naïve people realized
Sept 11 was a blessing
for Republicans, but actually a blessing for the entire ruling class.
If you don't believe
that's what they believe
about us, click on my Global Conquest page
( and read what they
Here is a silly
analogy that is a good
analysis of the "9-11
Movement", as told to a
fledgling 9-11 skeptic (paraphrased): Imagine
the facts about 9-11 are a handful of Tic-Tacs.
But those
Tic-Tacs are buried in a steaming
pile of dog manure, called "9-11
Truth Movement". How many times is John Q. Public or Jane Q.
Public going to stick their face in the steaming pile of dog manure to
dig out the Tic-Tacs of Truth so they can have fresh breath?
(props to
Hawkwind at
My original
intent was simply to collect and
organize all this
information on 9-11 in
one place. Stacking
up a huge pile of facts and
allegations was
for relevance, concision, and priority, and weeding out falsity and ambiguity, that is far more
difficult, time-consuming, ONGOING. This has gotten LENGTHY,
but I try to summarize,
supporting concision with details.
Thanks for patience and understanding. Send advice, please.
email obfuscation provided by: Tim Williams - U
of A - Anti-spam ECM
older pages <PAGE 2 details
on fascism, history > ( Page 3 articles +
>> SUGGESTION: Stick with
BIG links or POPUPS first, to get the whole
flow. MOST
are for
validation, clarification, expansion, details. Brzezinski
pages links are
important. The real story can be revealed thru US policy, not
airplane scraps. The evidence is so
and interwoven in chronological relations and political relations, it's
easy to get lost.
The only time
I ever supported Al-Qaeda is when I paid my taxes.
POINT, in 12 tough
questions ... TEST YOUR
KNOWLEDGE of Sept 11 and the War
few significant
points illuminate
the BIG
picture quickly. see
conspiracy crap DISINFO
EXPOSED exposing the fakes is
important as exposing the facts
9-11 "TRUTH" is
is flooded
a thick
slurry of mix-and-match
disinformation.The more bizarre are
given the widest prime
time media
coverage. Serious facts are
obscured, and details are either ignored or expanded to infinity.
It's the "send in the clowns" tactic which has been used by
Intelligence in the past.
was NO
lack of competence
on Sept 11, 2001, and leaders of both parties know these facts,
especially those tied to Intelligence
and foreign policy, armed services, etc.
Landscape of U.S. Politics
completely described in 4 min music video COOL MUSIC VIDEO World
of Evil by
Coldcut on Kontraband site World
of EvilDivx
AVI format World
of EvilGoogle,
Practice of Ritual popup)-->Defamation
How values, opinions and beliefs
are controlled in democratic societies. (local
copy MHTML) Defamation
is the destruction or attempted destruction
of the reputation, status, character or standing
in the community of a person or group of persons ... the
central element is defamation in retaliation
for the real or imagined attitudes,
or beliefs of the victim, with the intention of silencing or neutralizing
his or her influence, and/or making an
example of them so as to discourage
similar independence and
"insensitivity" or
non-observance of taboos ... it
is ritualistic because it
follows a predictable,
stereotyped pattern which embraces a number of elements, as in a ritual. (Neo-Conservative Jargon
Brzezinski, National "Security"
under Jimmy
Carter, intelligence advisor under Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr., advisor
to Kennedy and Johnson, and
everyone in
between and beyond, also co-founder
(with Rockefeller) of the Tri-Lateral Commission
and also member of the CFR, Tri-Lat's "older
sister". Barry
Goldwater on the Tri-Lateral Commission:
The Trilateralist
is international...(and) intended to be the vehicle for
multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by
seizing control of the political government of the United States. The
Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to
seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - political,
monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical." Paranoid, or not?
Zbigniew Brzezinski tours the Afghan border
with Pakistan’s minister of defense in 1979.
What year
covert U.S.
collusion with AL-QAEDA come to an END?
Take a look at CHECHNYA.
most powerful group there is not Al-Qaeda, but ACPC. That would
be Brzezinski and Woolsey and friends
from CIA and Freedom House.
SEE Islamic Radicalism onBrzezinski page.
<-- WATCH (Real Player Video) "God
is on your side"speech
to the Mujahideen
READ about the "global-zone
of percolating violence"
READ about the
of Crisis" policy of fomenting Wahabbi fundamentalist
at face
value, the 9-11 attack has been described as "blowback" by official sources and
"the Left" like Chomsky and Parenti.
This is the theory that a reckless CIA
op from the 80's accidentally backfired on America ... 25
later. Mainstream liberals accepted this line and discussions
in the mainstream dried up.
Blowback might
make sense, except for
several key facts: longstanding
and ongoing
complicity with Al-Qaeda after they
were declared 'terrorists', the unexplainable
air defense on
Sept 11, longstanding plans to invade the M.E.
for decades, history of false-flag
military operations and other huge frauds. Even jingo
ex-military were not quite willing to argue with me in support of the
"fuckup theory" of the Armed Forces.
he founded "Al-Qaeda" in 1979, under Pres. Carter, PRECEDINGany
Zbig BRAGS about launching Al-Qaeda"to
induce a
Soviet military intervention":
secret operation was an excellent idea."
told Le Nouvel
do it all over again. Sen.
Orrin Hatch agreed: Al-Qaeda
was a good idea.
once you understand "WHY
9-11", guessing at exactlyHOW
becomes less important
Likewise, once you learn that Oswald had documented links to
CIA payroll # 110669, not just some "lone nut", and everyone
has lied about this for 40 years, it becomes less important who was the actual shooter
or shooters on the grassy
knoll. We already have a pretty good idea. Some of them
are running the country, since their successful coup.
unleashed radical Islamic Militants to provokea Soviet response. He said he did it
to "increase the likelihood" that Russians would
Afghanistan, usingterrorism
as a LUREto start a war and totrap
Russia in a 'Nam-style
Longstanding explicit US policy of
supporting Radical Islam as a barrier to both communism and any form of
socialism or independent democracy.
The 2nd goal was to
the LEFTist govt in Kabul, which was attempting to modernize
in a manner which
would have provided less "opportunity" for looting by the Totalitarian
Global "Capitalists". Even
some in the State
Dept had a few doubts about overthrowing
that stable Democratic govt which helped women to attend colleges,
but these doubts were set aside.
Al-Qaeda was born as a CIA/National
Security covert project of Brzezinski on July 3, 1979, one day before
Independence Day in the USA. When did Clandestine
Services QUIT funding Al-Qaeda? What's that date? I
don't believe we've been given one.
Wall Street supported Hitler and
Mussolini. Nazis
supported the Muslim Brotherhood (pre-Al-Qaeda group). Allen Dulles, Wall Street lawyer,
co-founder of the CIA,
supported both Hitler and Muslim
Bros, as fascist anti-communists in the
Mid-East. US and CIA backed violent overthrow of Liberal,
Leftist, part-Christian Indonesia. replacing
"commies" with fascist Wahabbis who killed 3 million and who still
Christians today. US
and CIA staged overthrow of liberal, modern Muslim,
Afghanistan, replacing them with Al-Qaeda and Taliban. How do you
like anti-Communism
now? I've
seen more detailed and thorough investigations of
prostitutes on COPS.
neo-Nazis with Japanese fascists) supported anti-communist
Al-Qaeda, alongside their US counterparts. Ronald
Fighters" (Pres. order)
Reagan increased
the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin conducting
terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a
billion dollars a year, and declared Afghanistan Day.
Proclamation 5034—Afghanistan Day, 1983
By the President of the United States of America, 21 March 1983Reagan
Didn't End the Cold War.
country and every people has a stake in the Afghan resistance, for the
freedom fighters of Afghanistan are defending principles of
independence and freedom that form the basis of global security and
stability." - Reagan Christian Coalition also
strongly supported Al-Qaeda.
pure definition,
the formation of Al-Qaeda was/is a criminal conspiracy,thinly
veiled by the
of Carter's Executive Order, then by Reagan's continued complicity,
Bush, Iran-Contra, and Clinton's Balkans wars, support for Al-Qaeda and
Global Terrorism covering five administrations.
Reagan meets with Psycho-Ragheads --
I mean Afghan Freedom Fighters (click for large)
NOTE: This is a PHOTO-OP, published by the Reagan Library.
and other John Birch libertarians dispute that these people are
"capitalists" at
all. Most Libertarians like the late Murray Rothbard
and LewRockwell do not count fiscal theivery protected
govt force and cartelization as "capitalism". Cartel: A consortium of
companies formed to limit competition.
On the other hand, Birchers don't want any limits on corporate power
quote on Brzezinski
page- about total
control of American people.
What's Brzezinski doing
NOW?Brz is running --- get this --- a PEACE GROUP -- an NGO called ACPC made
up of oil investors and former CIA officers, in Chechnya to the south
of Russia.
with Islamic Jihadistsand former CIA Director Woolsey
in an NGO called ACPC
in Central Asia incl Chechnya<<--Brzezinski page-for fomenting
Go figure.
by the
way. According to retired CIA agent Ralph McGehee, in a book
vetted by CIA, CIA has supported/manipulated peace and human rights
groups for decades, sometimes two in one country.
CIA infiltrated Peace Corps many years ago, as well as fake
Christian relief agencies run by Pat Robertson, the diamond tycoon, but
NOT really for peace. CIA fronts include National Endowment for
Democracy, USAID, and various "human rights" groups around the world,
while simulataneously running torture operations around the world,
especially in the 1980s in Latin America.
agents sometimes work freelance doing murders, narco-dealing, and
pockets, like on Operation Phoenix and the Nugan-Hand bank, as well
as with the replacement for Nugan-Hand called BCCI, and in the
Iran-Contra scandal. North and Secord admitted in court that they
had a private company called Enterprise which profited from
facilitating illegal arms transfers to Iran.
CIA usually works for Wall Street and wealthy Elites. It's
Wall Street's own
Private Army. CIA is just the apparent center of overall Military
Intelligence, but rather than gathering intelligence, 80% of what they
do is reportedly 'covert operations'. A past CIA director
(Colby?) asked for an accounting of all the private proprietary
airlines the CIA was using. The answer he got back is that it was
impossible to determine, as there are too many rogue "off the books"
operations that are not even properly registered. An
operation of
the caliber of 9-11, with global repercussions and the implemention of
interlocking global "security
state", the whole plan is too big to have been cooked up by "the
CIA" just for
their own
Yes, it was certainly
CIA ... but even bigger. There's
plenty of evidence for a global interconnected military intelligence
network, along the lines of international finance. That's
why Canada, Australia, Britain, and the rest of US allies are ALL doing the same
thing as America -- rolling out new police-state systems of
their own.
This was clearly not
Willfully harming America and Americans is clearly factually legally
TREASON. Agreed?
And actual Treason (not metaphoric,
like criticism) is punishable by ... DEATH.
Future: Technology, Theocracy, and the Thousand Year Reich
by Dave Emory subtitled Death
Instead of 'Taxes' and Fascism - Sitting on a Tack HERE
(download L-02 series) cleaned up audio:
(Right-Click and save to your PC to play)
if there is SOME reasonable explanation for all this crap, WHY DOESN'T EVERYONEALREADYKNOWTHIS BASIC HISTORY?
Yet at the same time we demonize ordinary, loving
Islamic families that just want a life.
How could we be so stupid and so brutal? So deceived?
"Down the Memory Hole" applies perfectly.
Yet, despite ALL THIS
COLLUSION AND MORE, these "Islamo-fascist
thru Pentagon or CIA are
still considered an "outside enemy" by most of the American public.
(I do
NOT accept
all of Dave Emory's anti-fascist-Arab viewpoint at face value, though
there apparently are
historical links btw Third Reich Nazis
and certain Arab leaders, like Ibn Saud and the Grand Mufti.
Emory deems the War on Terroras 'legitimate' since it is ostensibly against some Wahabbi Islamic sects which he says
have literal ties to Third
Reich fascism. However, Emory
presents officially-documented
evidence that the
Neo-con Cabal staging the GWoT is also rooted in Nazis and linked to Wahabbis.
Is Washington waging war on
itself? Not yet. (Hopefully a few military officers
are considering their oath to the Constitution.)
Emory ties fascist-types
in the Middle East to the US establishment
via their Nazi
past (Allen Dulles), and mentions
similar historical ties between Zionists and
Nazis, but I think he underemphasizes these very real
links between Zionists and Fascists, which de-legitimize the
military war. Emory also
discounts the Palestinian plight and resistance as wholly a fascist
trick, when there is MUCH obvious info, including from Israeli Jews,
that confirms the Palestinians' harsh subjugation, and shines a
spotlight on
the Zionists' duplicitous cry for Right of "Defense".)
Also on Brzezinski
extremism/terrorism: Home-grown?
meet Al-Qaida co-founder
------>> 2
degrees of separation from Bush and CIA
Ali Mohammed, Egyptian Intell,
top Al-Qaeda, Osama's Lt. and tactician, US Army Special Forces, known
to FBI/CIA. Pled guilty, no record of Conviction, no record of
sentencing, left Federal
Prison. Defense attorneys blocked from speaking with him to help their
Richard Reid, "Shoebomber", homeless guy
sleeping on floor of a mosque in England. Tries to
board plane and light his shoes on fire.
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)popup
worked with our CIA for
at least 25 years, training,
equipping, coordinating Wahabbi-Islamic Extremists
as our covert or overt terrorist
"tools". (We
select ISI's leadership, they work for us.)
TERROR: The FBI quietly confirmed (yes, FBI!) that one of our top 9-11 allies, theirtop intelligence official wired
funds to the (alleged) 9-11 terrorists. This occurred
a few days before this very same Pakistani official flew to Washington
for red carpet
treatment on
Sept 4-13, to attend high-level
meetings with our top
"counter-terrorism" officials---
allegedly for routine consultations to "prevent"
terrorism. When asked about FBI's confirmation about Ahmad, Condi Rice
never heard of it. (Ahmad is the
Pakistani replacement for Gul Hamid.) This one fact alone should
be enough for pitchforks and nooses in the
publicly stated
that they did not look into the money
because it was unimportant.
apparent complicity with terrorism -- on our behalf -- ISI's leader was picked to be OUR ALLY in
terrorism, and Gen. Ahmed's American managers
counterparts were
promoted to lead our
see top of Fake-terrorismsection
or Ahmad
section below
the Pakistani
military had initially balked at this crazy idea, allow
the US to provide the Mujahidin with ever more sophisticated
knowing who
the Gulbuddin Hikmatyars and Usama Bin Ladens really were. But the US twisted the Pakistanis’ arms, and
they gave in.
Likewise, Reagan
forced the timid Saudis to match US
contributions to the Mujahidin. (And then after Sept. 11 the former
Reagan officials who had twisted the arms of the Saudis, like Richard
Perle, turned around and blamed Riyadh for spreading radical Muslim
It was the CIA that first established terrorist training camps in
Pakistan and Afghanistan, to hit the leftist government in Kabul.
but the
facts add up to serious doubts
about anyAl-Qaeda involvement
whatsoever with 9-11.
The Al-Qaeda
meme sold to the public seems to be a clever rumor, a meme
designed as a red herring
distract and to justify a pretext
Middle East. These plans had been discussed in the public
(Harpers Magazine, other) and developing since 1975. Like
it or not, Al-Qaeda
clearly, undeniably an Intelligence project of the US Govt, or
US "shadow govt" if you prefer. U.S. Government Caught Red-Handed Releasing Staged
Al-Qaeda Videos Remember, we were
given zero evidence on Al-Qaeda at first. Since
then, most of the govt's Al-Qaeda story has been heavily debunked,
and a lot has been shown to be shaky and unable to stand up to scrutiny. There's
nothing there except confusing rumor and innuendo. FBI
wants OBL - but not for
Comments on Link:
This was taken from NTSB data, obtained thru FOIA
The alleged PILOT could NOT
fly a Cessna. Barely drive a Honda. When considering
"flying by seat of pants" consider training in a family car, then
swooping a Ryder
truck through a system of narrow gates, at 100mph.
conclusion is
and terrible:
The U.S. government is willing to spend more than $1
trillion to crush Iraq, but can’t be bothered to spend even a tiny
fraction to keep Iraq’s 26 million citizens from going without food,
clean water, health care ... or work or education.
assist desperate Americans.
Nor even support
our Troops. Our "massive
Soc. Security shortfall" = cost of 1 year destroying Iraq.
DEMOCRATS and Tri-Laterals wanted a "MANAGED
CHAOS" of the
Middle East. Aggressive NEOCONS want wholesale "CREATIVE
Civil war in Iraq was
praised by Daniel
Lawyer vs. 9/11 families A dozen or so New
Jersey 9-11 widows
filed a TRILLION
Saudis, who
funding Islamic
charities which some
officials claim have terrorist ties (on
behalf of whom? Saudis
are interlinked with CIA, Pentagon, Bush, Republi-Dems.)
were looking for "discovery"
-- "records" and "evidence" -- as much as
money. These
men and women
their day in court, at very least. WE
deserved their day in court.Wouldn't you agree?
According to CNN and MSNBC,
the Lawsuit and inquiry was successfully BLOCKED by
the "prestigious
Houston-based Baker-Botts Law Firm", which claimed that Saudi
Royals and Prince
Sultan bin Abdul Aziz have complete "diplomatic
immunity" from being sued by Americans. Slick
is this "scum
Liberal Law firm"Baker-Botts,
alleged Al-Qaeda
financers from exposure?
it's none other than the President's attorney, James A. Baker III,
Bush family confidante
for 4
decades. Why is the President's attorney vigorously defending
the Saudis in the first place? Why are they blocking discovery of
records? Afraid what might show up?
Reagan & CIA pushed the Saudis into funding Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
"won" the Bush presidency in 2000, at the Supreme Court. Bush was
necessary because America needed a "cowboy" and "anointed by God
Christian" figure to wage a John Wayne - slash - "holy war" in the
Middle East.
Baker was Sec.State during Bush-41. Baker helped orchestrate
conditions for the first Gulf
War by sending multiple
envoys to Saddam with glad tidings and a "green light" to deal with
Kuwait. And much more.
... the Bush
Doctrine: "If
you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you
train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist
or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held
accountable by the United States and our friends."
RELATED on Baker-Botts
page: Does it bother
anyone that
two of 'W's and Poppy's and Jeb's closest allies are admitted (nay,
bragging) mass murderers. One
was called an "unrepentant terrorist" by a former Atty
Gen., and one of the most deadly terrorists working "within
the hemisphere", per the Bush-41 Defense Dept.
In a Sept. 29 statement,
conservative Judicial Watch added that, "This conflict of interest has
now turned
into a scandal. The idea of the president's
father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a company under
investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11
is horrible." Judicial Watch demanded that President Bush make
his father pull out of the Carlyle Group.
other words, the
President, the CIA, his father and
many of their business partners, cabinet appointees and so-called
allies ARE - based on the President's own words - supporters
of Al-Qaeda, and thus terrorists.
US (FBI) Declines to
which expose Saudi (CIA)
and Ties to
Islamic Militants Mohammed
al-Khilewi, the first secretary at the Saudi mission to the United
Nations, defects and seeks
asylum in the US. He brings with
him 14,000
internal government documents depicting the Saudi
family's corruption, human-rights abuses, and financial
support for
Islamic militants. He meets with two FBI agents and
an assistant
attorney. “We gave them a sampling of the documents and put them on the
table,” says his lawyer,“but
agents refused to accept them.” FBI agents
“ordered not
to accept evidence of Saudi criminal activity, even on US soil.” (obviously, Saudis
were not doing terrorism "independently" of the CIA) ...
MANY MORE SIMILAR examples ... and link to original
The President of Indonesia said that the terrorists who blew up the
tourist hotel on Bali were connected to Intelligence. Do US
officials not know that?? Of course they do, because Indonesian
Intell is run by American Intell, or at least in close cooperation.
More recently, Benazir Bhutto was sent to
Pakistan to run for President. The press in India, me, even some
anonymous Pakistani commenters on YouTube, and now
you are aware that Pakistan's National Intelligence (offshoot of ISI),
which was assigned to "protect" Bhutto, was actually run by Al-Qaeda
operative General Ejaz Shah,
formerly OBL's "handler". Condoleeza
Rice didn't know that fact??
"Of all the
enemies to public liberty, WAR
is the most to be dreaded because it
comprises and develops the germ of
every other enemy. War
is the parent
of armies; from these proceed DEBTS and TAXES ... known instruments for
bringing the MANY under the DOMINATION of the FEW. . . NO nation could
preserve its FREEDOM in the midst of CONTINUAL
James Madison,
Political Observations, 1795
FAKE ATTACKS ... but WHY?!!! 9-11IS
a covert op involving both parties on
behalf of the financial powers
that run them, designed
for a specific strategy
DOMINATION: terrorize
public, massive social control and repression, justify imperial wars
for Seizing Resources. Simple. But it's NOT about OIL. They've got
plenty of oil. It's about money. They don't have enough
money. they say so
they'd never
fake attacks on America? Think
Emperor Nero of Rome did
"false flag"
terror, usually blaming Christians.
Nazis seem to have
staged the Reichstag fire, using a "duped" commie.
WTC 1993 attacks staged
by FBI, using borderline retarded Arabs.
Johnson launched the
ground war
in 'Nam on the fake Tonkin event.
Chiefs and NSA/CIA planned "false flag" terror (Operation
Northwoods) in
Northwoods was modified in 1967, and
became the attack on the USS Liberty, to be blamed on Egypt.
Mafia sold "fire protection" and "theft
Elamir’s HMO
was known to be affiliated
with Bin Laden since
the mid-1990s, and his contacts
included other Al-Qaida
terrorists. (... and obviously
included top US officials.)
Elamir's case was reduced from a criminal
investigation to "funds
mismanagement", and he faced NO
He did NOT even have to pay
back the money!!!
all people, WHY
did Michael
Chertoff pop up to
take this case? WHY
did Michael
Chertoff at the DOJ help FBI sabotage Green Quest?
Chertoff and
Patrick Fitzgerald were both at the
center of the 1993
WTC bombing
which was entirely orchestrated by
the FBI, directing their Egyptian
Ali Salem. --
Patrick Briley
Patrick Briley's deep military-intell bio at the bottom of his article)
Lynne Stewart, defense attorney for
who was railroaded on 1993 FBI bombing plot, going
to prison (?) maybe 30 years.
email obfuscation provided by: Tim Williams - U of A -
Anti-spam ECM
is just the
beginning of my non-partisan "I'm just not a liberal Bush-hater" props.
Because the problem is NOT merely Bush. Bush
certainly is not writing these complex Executive Orders and
interpreting laws.
The Decider does not decide. He signs his name and gives speeches.
REAL role of Bill
Clinton in Sept 11 Hillary Goes American Idol
can't be so fixated on our
desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."
--- President Bill
Clinton, U.S.A. Today, 11 March 1993
Clinton inaugurated Jan 1993. WTC
bombed on February 26,
1993, with the assistance of FBI.
Senate Republican Policy Committee asks: The Kosovo
Army: Does
Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties? ...
'Terrorists' to 'Partners'
is precisely what Kerry's
pied piper,
alternative candidacy pretense was intended to achieve. The
presidential bid co-opted anti-war sentiment;
diverted resistance from
anti-war protest to pro-Kerry canvassing; and then disenchanted the
opposition to the war when their 'hero" fell without challenging the "stolen
The election
wasn't really stolen.
It's not theft if you hand your DVD player to friend and fail to
report it stolen. That harsh reality is only
recently dawning on Kerry's more stalwart supporters. We deserve
better than "anyone-but-Bush".
voting for Kerry was
rewarding in some ways. The sheer size of
Kerry's winning margin had the U.S. establishment pulling out all the
stops to conceal the actual outcome of the election. And the resulting
hoopla forced the election fraud issue onto the floors of the U.S.
Houses of Congress and into the political awareness of millions of
anti-establishment voters. Why? Even though Kerry offered
only more horrible foreign policy than Bush, it was important to
the lid on Sept 11 in the public venue, by keeping Democrat power out
of the White House, for a time. (thanks
to Fintan Dunne)
The United States played
sides of the Iran-Iraq
war. The Reagan administration gave intelligence and weapons to Saddam,
while secretly arming Iran and sparking the Iran-Contra
scandal of 1986. "The
International Bank of Pakistan" BCCI - Bank
of Commerce and Credit Int'l
The "Zapruder Film Festival", an orgy of evidence,
... and now ... THE STANDDOWN
Pentagon. The slowest slow-motion 'surprise attack' in the
history of the world. Even jingo
ex-military were not quite willing to argue with me in support of the
"fuckup theory" of the Armed Forces. How
place since 1975, and
STAND DOWN for 90 MINUTES or more?? one hour and
minutes total from hijacking to final crash, notone intercept,
this is
precedent Did bin Laden "mind-meld"
military? Did he drop valium into
the coffeepots? Was there
a real Al-Qaeda
"mole" in the FBI, as
Colleen Rowley suggested? Yes. His name is
Dave Frasca (see below).
( has a revealing timeline of
events of Sept 11, but friends at B4N included this site on the
"CIA Fakes" list, due such things as the "parent" site
containing such idiotic things as a "Crop Circles Calendar", the "In
Plane Site" hoax movie, and a zillion other celebrity sites and
assorted dispreputable garbage. So, I'd say, read the timeline if
you want, don't buy the Crop Circles stuff.
But consider just the obvious: For UNEXPLAINED reasons or lame
reasons, the entire US Defense network, running on established
automated routine protocols, failed to even INTERCEPT even one hijacked
plane -- that is, fly up next to
Washington, despite ample time over 15 times the normal response time
of 6 minutes. Did the DRILLS get in the way? Gen.
Eberhard stated on CSPAN that the drills speeded up their
response time. Good thing.
Otherwise, it might have been a real disaster.)
Of course these Al-Qaeda guys weren't just ANY
Nomads -- they had been heavily funded via various shadowy
Intelligence conduits tied to the CIA, and trained at US Military
installations in the 80's, 90's and beyond.
John Judge pointed out, the official excuse is "they didn't know it
was a hijacking at first". That's a diversion. Standard procedures
set for 'flight
in distress'. You find out if it's hijacked after
you intercept."
Story of the Flight Takeovers
- Suicide
the level of hoax
stuff on this site: "very little-or-none", nearly clean,
except for a few odd links
seems highly unlikely that the hijacking teams would be able to take
over all four aircraft ...
OUR HUMUNGOUS $12 Trillion
VERSIONSabout "points
failure" woven into the official
report ---
or left out, depending on the question. For example,FAA
NORAD timelines conflict with each other, per Mike Ruppert's careful
side-by-side analysis, and Gen. Eberhard contradicts Mayor Guiliani
about FEMA arriving in NYC on Sept 10.
Randy Glass bluffed a State Department contact for advanced
9/11 info GLASS: But I
didn't even
have to do that. I just said what I knew. I said" Look. Listen. I know
the World Trade Center is going to be attacked. And then this guy says
to me, "Randy, listen, you cannot mention any of these things,
especially airplanes being used to fly into the World Trade Center."
And when he said that, I almost fell
of my fucking chair. I mean, you
have no idea. (Randy Glass, an FBI
informant, had turned in tapes
of a known terror suspect saying that the buildings were
coming down, but the same thing happened to his stuff as all the other
FBI memos. Oh, he got imprisoned for a while too.)
CASES OF US STANDDOWN and orchestrated attacks, World War One
and Two - Future
is Calling
with official
USG documentation by (WARNING) far
co-founder of the John Birch
Society, G. Edward Griffin (careful, the John Birch Society
has been tied to spying work for the CIA, FBI, and tied to the CFR -
one of the 'communist' groups they claim to
oppose) Trickery and Treachery - pretexts for
other wars
For more than
three months, structural
steel from the World Trade Center has been
and continues to be cut up and sold
for scrap. Crucial evidence
that could answer many questions about high-rise building design
practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to
China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your
next car... Fire
Engineering has good
reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by
FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked
farce that may already
have been commandeered
by political
forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield
of full disclosure. Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a
three-day, visual walk-through
of evidence sites conducted by ASCE investigation committee members -
described by one close source as a "tourist
trip"- no one's checking the
evidence for anything. (Fire Engineering
Magazine, January 2002)
Since 'Ground Zero' was, by all accounts,
the site of a mass murder, the
actions taken collectively by federal officials amounted to nothing
less than the willful,
destruction of evidence in a criminal investigation.
Even if we accept the claim that (smoldering office) fires raged in the
towers with enough intensity to cause the spontaneous failure of structural
steel elements, and even if we accept that those elements failed in a uniform, perfectly symmetrical manner,
and even if we simply ignore the fact that the cores of the towers were
inexplicably pulverized,
we still are left with no explanation of howWTC7 - which
did not have
an open floor plan that could have rendered it susceptible to
'pancaking,' and which was not hit by a fuel-laden airplane- imploded
in essentially the same manner as the towers, and on the very same day.
HOPE (popup) U.S.
in the Table of Contents is
of the State - by Chossudovsky
"Criminalization of the State", is when war criminals legitimately
occupy positions of authority, which enable them to decide "who are the
criminals", when in fact they are
the criminals.
This is not
"anti-American" - don't be
stupid - it's about taking America
back from gangsters. The Myth of the Rule of Law - by Catherine Austin Fitts
... Indeed, narcotics had been a source of covert funding and political
leverage for years, extending at least as far back as the invasion of
Sicily during World War Two.
Plans for Martial Law, Tele-Governance The U.S. government and its military and
corporate officials are fond of making the pitch to the American public
that the U.S. Constitution mandates that their survival,
above all
others (ours), is absolutely necessary to ensure that the government
emanates from that document survives a debilitating attack.
It is
astonishing that the American public believes such absurdities.
A recently
disclosed aspect of the CIA operation is that it included unprecedented
political mobilization of the traditionalist, fundamentalist Shiite religious leaders
known as the mullahs. As Gabriel Kolko put it, the U.S. "eliminated a secular,
middle-class nationalism." As throughout the Middle East,
rebellion and discontent increasingly took on fundamentalist Islamic
forms and ideologies.
and VladPutin
and John
Howard are
doing the same things in London, Moscow, and Canberra, Australia (near
Sydney), seizing power for the Executive Branch and
placing themselves beyond the law, beyond dissent, beyond appeal and
voting, and erecting and expanding domestic spy
see: Bush-ConstitutionUnitary Executive
Some conservatives are
more opposed
to Bush than your
average Democrat.
Craig Roberts(audio)solid
conservative, Vietnam
Vet, Ronald Reagan's Asst
don't think I've seen an administration more evil in my lifetime, and I
include Stalin and Hitler." I'm not "down with Roberts", but he
offers some perspective from a right-libertarian viewpoint. I don't
think we've heard any Democrats of Roberts' prominence compare this
govt to Stalin or Hitler.
Karen Kwiatkowski Army, Pentagon,
hung out to dry on Abu Gahraib (audio)
issues by Left Socialist (audio)Michael
Parenti - Costs of Empire, Role of IMF.
Similar issues by Economist (audio)Michel
1 and 2.
can fool some of the
people some of the time....And those are the
ones we need to concentrate on" - GWB
"These are
actions of a regime that systematically and deliberately is defying the
- George W. Bush, March 6, 2003
It's amazing. I think it's huge. I mean, he's landing on a boat at 150
miles per hour. It's tremendous. It's hard to imagine any Democrat
being able to do that." -- Ann Coulter
danger: Michael
Moore and Richard Perle Combine Forces: Who Really
Wants to Invade Saudi Arabia, and Why?
by Tanya
C. Hsu on
(Saudi) Middle East invasion (audio) (incl
1975 Harper's article proposing this) Ralph Schoenman CREATING
OF PRETEXTS fabricated for other US wars
NOTE: RAND corp double-think
think-tank is
writing policy proposals recommending WAR NOW on Saudi
Arabia and (not
coincidentally) seizing their
oil fields and assets, because
"Saudis support terrorism".
Other branches of the establishment, such as Kissinger disagree with
imminent war. Richard Perle is also chairman
of Rand.
DID support terrorism ... on
of the CIA and on orders from Brzezinski. Rand Corp even agrees that
Saudis helped the
US by supporting the "mujahideen".
"mujahideen" = "freedom fighters" - minus some flimsy
distinctions =
"Al-Qaeda" -- "a rose by any other name ..." as Shakespeare said.
Northwoods 1962 Extreme
Machiavellian interventionist covert plan that involved CIA bombing US
cities and other targets and killing Americans, to blame a foreign
enemy, Cuba, and
launch World War III.
Everyone among the Joint Chiefs, heads of all 4 Armed Forces and
Intelligence, signed off on this plan to use Americans as human
sacrifices to war ... all
except one
lonely President and his SecDef McNamara.
JFK died. Suddenly. With some "mystery" about who killed
him. JFK
a high-level plan to stage terrorist attacks on civilians in U.S.
cities, by definition that is a secret conspiracy.
Suppose you found a stranger or an acquaintance had a written, signed
plan to kill you and kill your family. Would you blow it off
it was "just one proposal"?
The main
guy JFK fired
over Northwoods, Bay of Pigs, and Operation 40, whose job description
coups and assassinations, was appointed
to manage the inquiry into
JFK's violent
and sudden death. This
same guy also
arranged financing for
Hitler in the 30's: Allen
Dulles. MORE VIVID DETAILS JFK and Northwoods political
dynamite (Baker helped Bush on Operation 40 in the 60's) Northwoods and other false flag ops (with photos)
"We need a common
enemy to
unite us" -
Condoleezza Rice, March 2000, Fascist concept
Very Lucky Hijackers
"Odds" computed with generous
probability of multiple
coincidental lucky occurrences happening on one day, Sept 11. 1/147456
One "very lucky Osama".
of just one of
the London
bombings coordinated with drills: 1/9474920.
in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
of Grains of sand in the
world: 7,500,000,000,000,000,000 Probability
of BOTH London and NYC
accidentally coinciding with anti-terror Drills: off the chart
of ALL relevant London cameras failing or being broken or turned
off ??
Add in: Madrid
bombers were *informants* for police officials who supplied the
explosives. Operation Gladio?
to Oh
No!! DON'T
Well, imo, YES
and NO ...
(educated speculation: to the degree that CIA is involved, then Mossad
is also, and v.v.) I
am NOT suggesting that "Israel attacked us". though they did attack the USS Liberty in 1967 but
it was cool with Pres. Johnson who told USAF to back off (CIA and Mossad have
been behind ISI and Saudi support for terrorists.) USrael and Armageddon ISRAEL'S SACRED TERRORISM (google)
(local)- by an
Jan 20, 2006 04:54 PM PST: Former Pentagon analyst Larry A. Franklin was sentenced
Friday to a 12 years and seven months imprisonment for passing
classified information to former American Israel Public Affairs
Committee AIPAC lobbyists.
story DID NOT make headlines.
AIPAC is the only foreign lobby
in the US which does not have to be registered as a foreign lobby.
President Clinton was trying to broker an elusive peace between
Israelis and Palestinians, the FBI was secretly funneling money to suspected Hamas
figures, run out of the FBI's Phoenix
office in cooperation with Israeli intelligence and approved
by Attorney General Janet Reno.
Williams wanted"the transfer of
American funds to some of the terrorist groups for violent purposes,"
Ellen testified to the immigration court in a closed June 2001 session.
"We understand Israel has security
problems. But what on earth does
wrecking the Palestinian economy and increasing poverty have to do with
security? … You don't have to be a genius to understand that if
people lose their work and livelihood and see no hope, it will make
them more extreme."[5]
govt gets to impose
more 'security measures')
Opposite situation,
the Al-Arian
case. I think Prof.
Al-Arian did NOT launder money for terrorists, or
possibly sent money to Palestinian groups which had a political AND a
military wing. A military outfit without a country is de facto
"terrorist". He definitely
made some very angry statements against US support for horrible abuses
of Palestinians. Prosecution admitted they have no
evidence that he
funded anything or planned any terrorist attacks, but since he is a
Palestinian political activist, he's in the slammer since 2003, on
charges of "CONSPIRACY". At
very least, there's something very fishy here.
Karl Rove's right wing buddies Grover
Norquist and Jack Abramoffwere
Al-Arian's non-profit consultants, AND Jeb
Bushgave his
private school $350,000. My
opinion is that Al-Arian got burned as a fall guy.
Same for Palestinian Fawaz Damra
of Cleveland, who spoke inflammatory words against Jews in 1994, and sent funds to legit
charities which later
added a military defense arm, and later got
labelled "terrorist".
You are only allowed to defend yourself against Israeli murder squads
IF you are part of a "legitimate govt". If you are just a private
human being, tough shit, shut up and take it.
Gotta justify that Homeland Security
office by arresting "dangerous" computer sci professors and mosque
Norquistis a super lobbyist like Abrahoff.
He's Newt Gingrich's bud, NRA
ally, head of American Taxpayers Union. Alamoudi hired Norquist to head up the Islamic Institute. Grover Norquist's
best friend is Karl Rove, White House chief of staff, so apparently Norquist was able to "fix things".
Moderate Arab-Americans couldn't speak out after 9/11, because Norquist
got his extreme right wing Muslim friends
to be "gatekeepers" at the White House.
govt' founded Al-Qaida in 1978. We worked with them in 96-99,
long after the Cold War. We worked with them in 2001 in
Europe. The President's attorney is defending them (blocking access to
vital information about connections) in 2002.
We send FBI after them, then we prevent dedicated FBI agents from
actually acting on the evidence and money trails. et cetera.
with this partial presentation of buried truths, there is far too much
evidence for mere "incompetence".
The official Osama-and-Nineteen-Young-Arabs (ONYA) conspiracy tale is
farcical and impossible.
Very little mystery remains. We could already seek indictments. We
could open a massive investigation on this
evidence collected by ordinary citizens, often from public
information that shows that several versions of the 9-11 official story
contradict one another.
The division between LIHOP -- with real Arabs -- which is looking more
doubtful all the time -- and MIHOP with or without Arabs -- all this
should not matter. Evidence which blows the LIHOP story -- such
as the level of planning and years of planning and sophistication that
must have gone into carrying this out and causing NORAD to fail it's
most basic duties, this defaults to Sept 11 being a total CIA staged PSYOP, with "Arab terrorists" used as
Remember, some of the smaller LIES, may
possibly be disputed or minimized, and may not amount to much individually,
BUT in context with other lies, there is a solid case.
When a suspect lies to police or to the
court, the automatic
implication is guilt.
Destruction or concealment of vital evidence is prima facie evidence of
just gotten started. In a
common drug conspiracy, all the suspects would already be serving long
Racket (1 of 3) continues to 1-A and 1-B